a ModelersLife

Bad behaviour or making hurtful statements can often be an insight into one’s soul, sometimes showcasing the dark and often unexpected sides of our personalities. It challenges traditional notions of morality and explores the complexity of human spirit.

Bad behavior can help analyze the intricacies of the human thought process, showcasing how past traumas and insecurities can shape individuals' particular actions and decision-making. Creating a ripple effect of damage to not only ourselves but those around us. This podcast is about bad behavior, life lessons, course directions, and most of all, how to go forward being a better person.

Direct download: the_Overlord_Screws_Up.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

We’ve interviewed so many folks over the last decade sometimes it’s hard to remember who we’ve missed over the last little while, but thanks to the modeler simply known as “Kelly,” we’ve once again teamed up with one of the most prolific and imaginative folks we’ve ever met on our travels throughout the model railroad world.

Smokin’ Joe D’Amato has for over two decades been a key element in the design and production of the fabulous N-Scale line from Micro-Trains in Talent, Oregon. Never at a loss for words or ideas, Smokin’ Joe has been a big of N-Scale scene since the early 2000’s. Lately he’s even helped the company branch out into HO-Scale with a great line of weathered cars from Accurail. It’s a great podcast and as always, Joe doesn’t disappoint!!

Direct download: Smokin_Joe_DAmato.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

On this episode of who has the Evel Overlord managed to lure into the studio, the story about three guys who’ve taken it upon themselves to move the Savannah RPM to a new location is revealed, continuing a tradition in the great state of Georgia, and making it bigger and better than ever.

Paul Spilman, Stephen Floyd, and Ken Preston have taken it upon themselves to keep the tradition of what many have known as “the Savannah RPM’ going strong. Since 1999, from their roots in Port Wentworth, GA until today, in Macon, GA the Central Georgia Railroad Prototype Modelers Meet has been focused on providing a space for modelers to meet, display their work, and most importantly, engage with each other.

Paul tells us all about this great RPM meet new facilities and they found, great local railfanning, abundance of hotels plus everything else need to make this a great even. If you’re in the area this is a definite must see and you can check out their website here:


Direct download: Central_of_Georgia_RPM.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

It’s that time of year again, the best train show in all of North America (and maybe the world) is just a few days away, and has become our yearly tradition, John Sacerdote the show Director has stopped by the AML World Headquarters in Busted Knuckle, Kentucky to tell us all the latest news that’ll get us so excited we won’t be able to sleep until the doors open.

The Amherst Railway Society’s Railroad Hobby Show has been going for decades and since it’s humble beginnings as a swap meet, the show moved to the exposition grounds in 1982. Twice, the show received the Walther’s Showmanship Award in recognition of our efforts to promote interest in railroads and model railroads. Plus, the show supports the work of many railroad-related non-profit organizations. Since 1991, they’ve donated $829,252 to railroad preservation and restoration projects all over the country. Once again it was a great pleasure to speak with John. Enjoy!!

Direct download: Sacerdote_-_COMPLETE.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

It’s an all new “All-Star Variety Hour” without much variety. We’ve got just one guest for this show and Daniel Banks is just starting his initial term as the Superintendent of the Central Indiana Division after serving three years as train master. When he’s not busy trying to make the NMEA grow he can be found pursuing his favorite favorite parts of the hobby, building and operations. 

Dan has recently begun a new laser kit business called Wabash Model Works, modeling primarily 1875 Old West. It’s somewhat Disney-fied, much romanticized, just plausible enough to be believable kits and scenes that will draw you in, like a good paperback western full of adventure. There’s plenty of chat with this modeler and a podcast we hope you enjoy.

Direct download: All-Star_Variety_Hour_58.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

What does Harry Potter and railfanning have in common, well nothing really, unless of course you add in an Ohio native named Adam Matthews, railroad preservationist, photographer and model railroader who was inspired by his grandfather, a retired vice superintendent of shipping at US steel in Lorain, Ohio.

We’ve been wanting to interview Adam for quite sometime now, after stumbling across his website “Train Wizard Productions,” a must see for anyone even remotely interested in trains, model railroading and great photography. With more than 150,000 followers on Instagram, Adam is a preservationist heavily involved with the Nickel Plate Historical Society, Mad River and NKP Museum, plus the Fort Wayne Railroad Historical Society. He’s also got a great O-Gauge 3-Rail layout. There’s so much information in this podcast by the time you’re finished you’ll be dizzier than a trout in a blender. Enjoy!!

Started in 1971 as a one day show in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Trainfest grew as the decades rolled by into a two-day show sponsored by the Wisconsin Southeastern division of the NMRA. Eventually the show moved to the Wisconsin State Fair Park and for decades was a huge success but as with everything, changes happened and those who took over were unable to maintain it’s popularity.

Over the last few years, the shows doors have only been open sporadically with those in charge unable to keep a successful show running. Fortunately, this year a group of individuals more capable took over and the show was held at the Baird Center in downtown Milwaukee. We sent two of the AML’s crack reporters to mingle and schmooze with the attendees. The show was a great success this year, with many familiar faces in attendance. So, grab yourself a big bowl of shredded floor plans, a tall cool glass of half-finished coffee and enjoy!!

Direct download: TrainFest_-_COMPLETE.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Christmas stories bring a special warmth and magic to the season. From heartwarming tales of kindness and family to the whimsical adventures of Santa Claus and his reindeer, they capture the joy and wonder of the holidays. Nothing can bring the spirit of the holidays to life quicker than two grown men dressed in polar bear costumes.

This is the heartwarming story of the AML Nation coming together to share the magic of the season with each other and all those around them. Our very own Seth “Doc” Gartner and Kevin “Hard Part” Marks decided to pay a visit to Marcus Neubacher at the North Carolina Transportation Museum. Find out what happens when our two intrepid heroes decide to see how much fun could be packed into twelve minutes. It’s an exciting adventure and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy!!

Direct download: a_Christmas_Story.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 3:10am EST

It’s time once again to check in with “Uncle” Dave and find out what’s happening in the Abeles clan.  Whether it’s dealing with day-to-day life, unboxing of Rapido Trains fabulous new E8 locomotives or the trials and tribulations of day-to-day life. It’s always an interesting discussion while throwing another log on the fire and sitting back with your favorite wobbly pop.

In this installment, Dave shows his new enthusiasm for Conrail’s Office Car Special and how much fun he’s having learning all about passenger cars, plus some modelling tips about stripping paint from a Union Pacific sleeper car. But that’s not all, if you listen close enough, you might even get a hint about the next book he’s planning. It’s a great podcast and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy.

Direct download: _Uncle__Daves_Fireside_Chat_23.mp3
Category:Model Railroading -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Balancing a hobby with the responsibilities of raising a family can feel a lot like a well-practiced juggling act, but it’s definitely possible and even beneficial, for both the modeler and the family!! The hobby of model railroading can provide an outlet for creativity and stress relief, which can make you a more patient partner and parent. Finding ways to involve your family in your hobby or setting aside dedicated "you" time can help strike that balance.

So, we here at the ole’ AML Network in downtown Busted Knuckle, Kentucky gathered together three of our favorite Dads to find out their secrets to enjoying the hobby while at the same time fulfilling their obligations to their kids and even more importantly, life partner. Model railroading is a great way to teach kids about craftsmanship, history, and in some cases involve everyone in the layout building process. Enjoy!!

Direct download: Dave_and_Dave_-_COMPLETE.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

The Station Inn located in Cresson, Pennsylvania was built in 1866, situated just ten miles west of the famous Horseshoe Curve, it was originally built as a hotel for weary travelers heading east or west on the Pennsy Railroad. Over the last hundred and fifty years it’s gone through many changes including the early 90’s when it was purchased by Tom Davis and turned into the place railfans of all kinds from across the globe would come to stay.

Fast forward to present day, after Tom passed away in 2021 it was purchased by Alex Lang and his wife Leah who over the years had built a deep friendship with innkeeper and decided they wanted to keep the tradition and memory of Tom alive. It’s been an adventure for the couple who reside an hour and a half away but as you listen to this podcast, you’ll quickly realize their passion for the Station Inn is something we can all be truly thankful for. Enjoy!!

Direct download: Alex_Lang.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

It’s time once again for our courageous crew of confused modelers to gather around the studio to discuss the latest happenings. Originally this podcast was intended to be about Bradd Williamson’s new talking detector, but it quickly morphed into a loosely produced edition of the “Fans.”

“the TableMaster” talks about ripping out his current layout and replacing it with something of lessor quality while the “the Queso Cowboy” describes his latest freight car model he purchased from 3D Central. In 1973, the Norfolk & Western Railroad converted a number of their F-20 53′ Flatcars to haul cab assemblies for Mack trucks from supplier to assembly plant.

And then finally “the stubby Professor” his talking detector he purchased on E-Bay from DJHayes electronics. It’s a speedometer kit measuring the speed of your train and doubles as a detector and works in any scale. It’s a fun podcast backed with tons of info and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy!!

Direct download: Talking_Detectors.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Is the hobby growing or shrinking??  If you hang around the AML Studios long enough, there will be no doubt in your mind that we here in Busted Knuckle, Kentucky are convinced the hobby is growing rapidly day after day. But the age-old question remains, how we entice the younger generation to join the old guard in the never-ending quest of introducing model railroading to the world!!

This is a continuation of our discussion with Derrick Magnotta, a lifelong model railroader who as he approaches his mid-thirties can’t find any reason to join the NMRA. However, Derrick is definitely open to new ideas and there’s even a great discussion about the possibility of an entry level free membership. It’s a great podcast and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy!!

Direct download: Magnotta_Two_-_.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 1:42pm EST

So, you’re wondering what’s neat this week?? That’s easy just check out what Ken Patterson and his gang are doing over there on YouTube with the show that’s got its finger on the pulse of the hobby. We wanted to find out more about “the Dude,” Joshua Barton, Mike Budde and James Reiger, so we sat them down in front of a microphone and let the magic happen!!

This is a fun podcast that goes in all sorts of directions, and we find out all about the guys just before they’re about to record another show. Ken is an accomplished, professional photographer, featured in numerous model railroad publications and marketing material over the years and is happy to share some of his secrets. Enjoy!!

Direct download: The_Dude.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

John Doehring might be the most enthusiastic man in the National Model Railroad Association, as the Eastern Director he is obviously putting his heart and soul into figuring out how to make the organization and the hobby of model railroading grow. This is part two of a response and discussion about his email pointing out his view of what direction to take the NMRA.

In these changing times of social media, video games and a myriad of distractions in today’s world, John along with his fellow directors want to keep up with changing times. The podcast is a mix of ideas and discussion with plans to double the size of the membership over the coming years. It’s a great podcast and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy!!

Direct download: Doehring.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

It’s time once again for another exciting episode of “Uncle” Dave’s Fireside Chat. On this edition of the “chat” Dave tells the history of the latest New Jersey Transit Heritage unit, a replica of Conrail’s 4208 and the behind-the-scenes story of how it came to be, all the folks involved, and the excitement felt around the railroad as it was rolled out during a very special ceremony.

Plus we talk about Dave’s excitement with the release of his newest book “Designing and Operating Yards,” which is an update on Andy Sperandeo’s original yard book published some years ago. We find out if there’s plans for another book and what the topic or topics might be. As always, it’s a busy time in the Abeles household and fun to be along for the ride. Enjoy!!  

Direct download: Dave_22.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

It’s the wonder from down under, visiting from the land of Oz, throwing another shrimp on the barbie, Australia where everything happens tomorrow and home to the one and only NMRA Worldwide Director at Large, Martyn Jenkins. Fresh from his time in the lower forty-eight having a walk-a-bout and here to give us a full report on what was accomplished at the latest Board of Directors meeting at the NMRA’s national convention in Long Beach, California. It’s a great podcast and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy!!


Direct download: the_Martyn_Jenkins_Report.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

The NMRA has long been the flag ship organization of model railroading, originally being organized in the mid 1930’s serving a critical role through the years in the growth of the hobby. But with everything times change, people change and in today’s world organizations like the NMRA struggle to maintain their membership.

Our next guest Derrick Magnotta who belongs to a generation that’s never known life without the internet, wrote a very insightful email about how people his age and younger struggled to see what value there is in belonging to the NMRA. So we here at the old AML Network decided to gather together in the studio some of our most knowledgeable old guys to understand the problem and perhaps offer some solutions. It’s a great podcast and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy!!

The NMRA Achievement Program also known as the “AP” is a guide to help you master the many crafts and skills necessary in the hobby of model railroading. As you get more proficient in of each of the skills, you can through various means have your work judged by others and if certain standards are met, will be issued a certificate acknowledging your achievement and work towards becoming a Master Model Railroader. 

Getting involved in the AP program is incredibly easy and recently a good friend of the AML Nation was announced as the new chairman of the Achievement Program. Ray Persing, a lifelong model railroader and all-round good guy stepped up to the plate to take over this important role from his predecessor Frank Koch who’d held the position for many years. It’s a great podcast and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy!!

Direct download: Episode_247__Ray_Persing.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Just like that old bean casserole that you found in the back of the freezer from your Aunt Mildred at Thanksgiving four years ago, or the twenty bucks you find in an old pair of jeans, this version of the “Kelly Questions” has aged like a fine wine.

Emory Lehman III is a locomotive engineer for the BNSF and a longtime member of the AML Nation. After stopping by to remind us we’d forgotten about his attempt at the hobby’s most hard-hitting collection of questions, he tries on the tin-foil hat. There’s also a brief discussion about an upcoming showcase on the Iron City N-Scalers Facebook page. It’s a fun podcast and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy!!

Hey “yinz,” this is a really good podcast but unless you understand Pittsburgh slang you might not understand it all. Fortunately while our next guest is a lifelong resident of the area where three rivers converge to create the once hallowed ground known as “Three Rivers Stadium,” home to the “Immaculate Reception.” Ron Bohin is an avid O-Scale three rail modeler who graduated from school qualified to be aircraft mechanic, which of course explains how he ended up working for U.S. Steel and eventually became a locomotive engineer.

Then after that successful career, it was time to move on to the Port Authority of Allegheny County, now known as Pittsburgh Regional Transit. They needed signal maintainers and when Ron submitted his resume it seemed as though, no one else  could be better qualified. If you’re as confused as we are, it’s time to fire up the Motorola and give a listen to this podcast, it’s actually pretty good!!

Direct download: Episode_246__Ron_Bohin.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:41am EST

Once again, it’s time for another great discussion with “Uncle” Dave, so warm up the Motorola, get comfortable with a warm cup of cocoa as we settle in for a “Fireside Chat” with one of the hobby’s most interesting personalities. There’s lots to talk about and even some friendly fire as “Uncle” Dave takes exception with some of the Evel Overlord’s opinions about the NMRA

Plus, we pay homage to one of the great model railroaders of the modern era, Paul Dolkos whose contribution to the hobby has been extensive over the last fifty years. It’s a great podcast and one we’re sure enjoy.

Direct download: _Uncle__Dave_Fireside_Chat_21.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 3:01am EST

Have ever wanted to see one of the best model railroads in the world, one that will take your breath away, one that seems so real it could easily be used a movie set. Well after an exhaustive search by our crack investigative reporters here at the ole’ AML Network, we’ve discovered just such a model railroad not from Detroit or as we like to refer to… HockeyTown U.S.A.

One of the greatest assets of this hobby is the ability to express oneself artistically, while still be able to enjoy so much more and our next guest Norm Charbonneau has managed to squeeze every last ounce out of what this hobby has to offer. His YouTube channel about his 3-Rail O Gauge layout is full of beautiful scenes of glamorous Pennsy steamers running through magnificent scenery plus tons of how-to’s about all sorts of interesting projects. This is a great podcast and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy!!

Direct download: Episode_245__Norm_Charbonneau.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

T-Trak is one of the easiest ways for any individual to get started in the hobby of model railroading. Building a small one-foot square module can easily help speed up the learning process of building a layout of any size, plus there’s numerous groups to join where you can join with others to create sizeable layouts to run your favorite equipment.

One of the most prolific T-Trak modelers is Andy Zimmerman who when he’s not busy being head of the Standards and Conformance Department for the NMRA has built dozens of modules strictly for the enjoyment of participating.  Now he’s here to tell us all about the T-Trak world record attempt at the NMRA’s national convention coming up in 2026 in Chattanooga, Tennessee. It’s a great podcast and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy!!

Direct download: T-Trak_World_Record.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Model railroading, or railway modeling, in Switzerland is alive and well, with many of the country’s hobbyists focusing on North American prototypes. We first met our guest several years ago as he was wrapping up a career as a locomotive engineer and beginning a new career as a police officer.

Our guest Robin Felder is a big fan of Norfolk Southern Railroad and brass locomotives in general, plus weathering HO scale equipment for himself and others is what keeps him busy when he’s not in training to become one of Switzerland’s finest. There’s also a philosophical discussion about the hobby and where it’s headed plus information about the local hobby scene. It’s a great podcast and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy!!

Direct download: Episode_244__Robin_Felder.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Answering ViewerMail is one of our favorites here at the ole’ AML studios, whether it's pro or con, it’s a chance to connect with your audience, hear their thoughts, and engage in meaningful dialogue, even when the feedback is critical. Recently John Doehring the Eastern of  representative the NMRA’s board of directors took exception to some our views about the way the organization is being run and sent us a very thoughtful and insightful email stating his concerns.

This is a special edition of ViewerMail with John and some of the regular AML crew to discuss some of those concerns. It’s a great podcast with plenty of back and forth, in fact the discussion was so interesting we only managed to get halfway through and invited John back for a second episode. It’s a great podcast and one I’m sure you’ll enjoy!!

Direct download: John_Doehring__ViewerMail.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

What happens when you take two guys who are excited about the hobby of model railroading, add some raw talent with electronics and over the top details?? You get John McGuire of Garden State Modelworks LLC and Scott Lupia of KV Models with his specialty, etched detail parts.

Aside from yelling at people across the aisle from their booth at the Springfield Train Show it’s been a very successful union between these two friends. Scotts foray into the world of 3-D printing, has also created some new possibilities for his friend John, and we discover some new ways of doing business in the model railroad industry. It’s a great podcast and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy.

Direct download: John_McGuire__Scott_Lupia.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Go west young man, these were the words that our next guest followed, leaving behind a beautiful model railroad that had been started in his parent’s mid-western basement. After spending several years refining his weathering techniques our next guest is thinking about the next great layout.

With law school successfully behind him, we decided here at the ole’ AML Network it was time to catch up with John Cafarelli and find out what he’s been up to. It’s a great podcast with some weathering techniques. Suggestions of other, YouTube channels to watch and plenty of interesting conversation.

Direct download: Episode_243__John_Caffarelli.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

It’s time for another healthy chat with your favorite “Uncle Dave.” Whether it’s discussing Scandinavian model railroaders, or the future of journalism in this great hobby of ours, you can be sure, that “Uncle Dave” has some well thought out opinions.

This chat features a great story about visiting the home Tony Koester one of the most iconic names in the hobby. “Uncle” Dave took his sons Teddy and Pete to see Tony’s wonderful Nickel Plate layout and by all accounts everyone had a great time. Dave also discusses his excitement of purchasing a couple TOFC cars from Rapido Trains. Plus somebody pushed the wrong button and there’s Rapido commercials where you’d never expect them. Enjoy!!

Direct download: _Uncle__Daves_Fireside_Chat_20.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

What happens when you take a dream, start small and end up with one of the most comprehensive hobby stores east of the Mississippi?? This was the vision of our next guest Ryan Thoman the owner of White Rose Hobbies a full line hobby shop located in York, Pennsylvania right there on the Lincoln Highway.

Originally in a bedroom of his parent’s home it wasn’t long until the store occupied a seven hundred square foot space. During this time Ryan started to work for Norfolk Southern and then a few years later his friend told him of a great location owned by his family and today’s version of the store was born. Plus, we find out what the future of Bethlehem Car Works is and why you should never purchase some else’s layout.  

It’s time for another thrilling episode of what’s happening at Rapido Trains?? This time our intrepid hero Jason Shron is all hot and sweaty having just arrived from a family outing with his restored fishbowl TTC bus. (Toronto Transit Commission)

On this addition of what’s “Jason Doing Now??” The only man to have a licensing agreement with Conrail, (“Uncle” Dave) his on knees with hands clasped asking for a C30-7a, while Jason is trying to find enough customers that are desperate for a MLW S13 switcher. It’s another exciting podcast, so grab yourself a big bowl of shredded handrails, a tall cool glass of left-over soda found on the Rapido bus and enjoy!!

Direct download: Whats_Jason_Shron_Doing_Now__.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

It’s part two of the Todd Treaster, twenty-seven-part trilogy, and in this episode, aside from learning that our guest is single-handedly keeping the N-Scale industry alive, we also learn how to build big city backdrops.

Todd details how he re-created downtown Pittsburgh in a very realistic manner, and we try to talk him into writing up an article for Railroad Model Craftsman. This is a great podcast and one that we’re sure you’ll enjoy.

With a commitment to quality and the customers they serve ScaleTrains has become one of the leading manufacturers in the model railroad industry. Shane Wilson has been the captain of the ship since the beginning and has faithfully led his team and the company through some stormy weather, but always with a smile and a determination to make his product one of the best.

After the podcast entitled, “Retail Wars,” Shane didn’t necessarily agree with everything that was said and asked if he could have a chance to rebut some of the comments and give his point of view which, which we were happy to do, and that’s what this podcast is, an honest discussion about the industry, retail sales and the future. Enjoy!!

Direct download: Scale_Trains_Twice.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

So you’re asking yourself what do Henry Mancini, West Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, Tony Dorsett, the Conway Yard and the Norfolk Southern have in common with our next guest?? Well basically nothing other than all these people and places were mentioned on this podcast as we discovered the secret of hollow core door layouts.

Richard Shirey has been working for the Norfolk Southern for over a decade and has a vast knowledge of all things railroading and in particular, railroading in the Western Pennsylvania area. We were introduced to Richard by our good friend Bradd “the Professor” Williamson who claimed to have a vast knowledge of our guest. So grab a big bowl of shredded sheet music, a tall cool glass of horn spit and enjoy!!

Direct download: Episode_240__Richard_Shirey.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Almost everybody has a favourite relative, whether it’s cousin Eddie who borrows your favorite HO scale SD70ACE, or Aunt Sally who’s always ready with a plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. Here at the ole’ AML Nation, our favorite relative is none other than “Uncle” Dave who’s always ready with a story or helping hand, as we travel through the hills and valleys of our model railroad experience.

This month Dave talks about his desire for Rapido Trains to finally make his beloved C30-7a and talk about all the trials and tribulations of his new yard book from Kalmbach. (or somebody) As always, it’s a fun chat with our favorite relative, so sit back with a big bowl of shredded Conrail schedules, a tall cool glass of writer’s ink and enjoy!!

Direct download: _Uncle__Daves_Fireside_Chat_19.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Everybody’s got a YouTube channel nowadays, whether it’s Larry showing you how to change that all important sprinkler head, Jennie taking the family dog for a walk, or dinner at Aunt Martha’s house. There isn’t much you can find you can’t find on YouTube.

However in our never-ending quest to make each moment of our listeners life’s better than the last, we’ve scoured the internet and found one of the best railfanning channels on the world wide web. Delay in Block Productions was started by Drayton Blackgrove in 2011 and along with our very own Chris Wehman, we find out what it’s like to be a premier track-side railroad videographer in North America. This is a great episode and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy.

Direct download: Episode_239__Drayton_Blackgrove.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

So what exactly is an RPM meet and where’s the best place to find a comprehensive listing of all the events in the coming year? That’s easy, just head over to Eric Hansmann’s blog to find a listing of all the meets during the calendar year.

Dave Owens is the head poo bah of a Northeast Railroad Prototype Modelers Meet, running this event with his crew for two decades. So it seemed like a good idea to bring these two gentlemen together to talk about Eric’s event calendar and all things RPM. So get yourself a big bowl of shredded calendars, a tall cool glass of New England stream water and enjoy!!

Direct download: Hansmann-Owens_and_the_RPM.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

The world is changing and so is the hobby of model railroading with an ever-increasing number of people whose primary interaction with the hobby has been via the world wide web. This is part two of talking with a twenty-six-year-old hobbyist who’s built a fantastic layout, with a countless number of incredibly well done instructional and operational videos.

Kelly stops the show with one good question and Cam Nealy, takes us through the construction of his Marias Pass railroad and why he changed from Crawford Hill. The hobby is indeed changing with a tsunami of new modelers coming and sooner or later, will all be covered in model railroad goo. Enjoy!!

Direct download: Episode_238__Cam_Nealy_Again___.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

It’s time once again for another edition of “Uncle” Dave’s Fireside chat and as usual no topic is left uncovered from improvements to the Onondaga Cutoff blog, witnessing the eclipse in full darkness to model railroad operations with his two boys Teddy and Pete on Ted Pamperin’s exquisite C&O Hinton Division in HO scale. Plus, we hear about being the keynote speaker at this year’s Island Ops.

But wait there’s more, what happens when the epicenter of a 4.8 earthquake is less three miles from your home in Lebanon, New Jersey and you’re at work in at Newark’s Penn Station. Aside from your family being on the local Fox News Station and being part of the earthquake protocol for the rail side of New Jersey Transit, it’s just another typical day in the life of “Uncle” Dave. So, grab yourself a big bowl of shredded safety forms, a tall cool glass of Passaic River water and enjoy!!

Direct download: _Uncle__Dave_Fireside_Chat_Part_18.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to own one of the most complete collections of N-Scale in the world and a beautifully completed basement sized layout to run all that equipment on?? Well, here’s your chance to hear from the man himself Todd Treaster, with 22,000 freight cars, 2,300 passenger cars and 2,800 locomotives on a 35 x 38’ layout.

But wait there’s more, Todd has been a locomotive engineer with the Norfolk Southern for almost thirty years and is about to retire. Aside from telling us about his great layout he regales with stories of running helpers across Horseshoe Curve and operating the Norfolk Southern’s office car special to places like Latrobe, Pennsylvania. This is a great podcast and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy!!


Direct download: Episode_237__Todd_Treaster.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 1:39pm EST

Are you ready for TomStock 2024?? The Queso Cowboy’s Birthday Round Up?? Of course we’ve brought together some of your favorite AML regulars from across the nation to talk about this year’s great events.

We’ll kick off with ceremonial leaving the Evel Overlord behind for Wednesday’s dinner at the Shady Maple, then ride the Reading and Northerns RDC to Jim Thorpe PA. Friday will be Jerry Britton‘s fabulous cheese ball run across Pennsylvania and then finally the great barbecue with and the golden spike ceremony on Queso’s fabulous Reading layout. It’s going to be another fabulous AML gathering and here with all the details is that affable crew you’ve come to know and love. Enjoy!!

Direct download: Fans_of_the_AML_Part_74.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

On this episode of a ModelersLife, our friend, the always popular Dave Owens returns to the AML studios to bring us up to date on the latest happenings in NERPM. (Excuse me) As can be expected since last year, the gang of the Northeast/New England Railroad Prototype Modeler‘s Meet, have a closed down another hotel, and have moved on to better digs with the help of the Amherst Railway Society.

Dave of course is once again his fun-loving self, with lots of information about this months this year’s event, plus we discuss all the clinics and after the Evel Overlord screws up again, Ted DiIorio’s name is officially changed to Teddy Dee!! Enjoy.

Direct download: NERPM_-_Excuse_Me.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 1:12pm EST

Here’s a question for everyone in the AML Nation, how many times is too many times to chat with our illustrious NMRA President, Gordy Robinson?? Not sure of the answer?? None of us here at the old AML headquarters know the answer either, but we’re thinking it’s probably something like, to infinity and beyond!!  

The crew was lucky enough to catch up with Gordy Robinson at his parents’ home just before heading to the local infirmary for some surgery and finding out how many of the doctors and nurses he could sign up for memberships to the NMRA. Also Gordy tells us about another great way to save on your NMRA membership. It’s another excellent Gordy Robinson interview. Enjoy.

Direct download: Episode_236__Gordy_Robinson.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

It’s time for “Great Layouts Part Two” and in this episode, we cover everything from how important snacks are and if snacks are important at all. Obviously, we must all agree that abundant and plentiful snacks make for great model railroad operations, but even more importantly, when visiting one of the fabulous layouts that populate the North American landscape layout, you must approach with the attitude that you are there to bring the layout owners model railroad to life and make him feel rewarded for a job well done.

There’s plenty of discussion on how and where to get experience operating model railroads and that makes for some great back and forth chatter amongst the panel members. It’s a great podcast and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy!!

Direct download: Great_Layouts_Part_Deux.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Chris Wehman is becoming an increasingly popular guest on ModelersLife with a fabulous N-Scale layout, tons of enthusiasm for the hobby, unparalleled railfanning videographer skills, devoted to replicating model railroad operations and a burning desire to make this hobby of model railroading, as much fun for every around him as it is for himself.

Well, it turns out he’s now a bona fide, YouTube influencer in the hobby of model railroading featuring Scale Trains N-Scale, SD 40–2 on his layout and while hosting a very informative video with tons of great information about the locomotive. This podcast was lots of fun to record, and it’ll be even more fun to listen to. Thanks for Listening!!

Direct download: Chris_Wehman_-_YouTube_Influencer.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

It’s time for another star studded, All-Star Variety Hour with some of the biggest names in the hobby, and some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. John Sacerdote the Director of the big Springfield Model Train Show held each year at the end of January and YouTube sensation Ron Marsh, who’s channel Ron’s Trains N’ Things continues to grow each week, are both interesting enough to for their own one-on one interview.

We had meant to include John‘s interview in one of our previous Springfield Reports, but got distracted by Ron Marsh who kept pestering us about stopping by the ModelersLife Studios for another interview. Dave Owens gives us some great insight into what goes on behind the scenes at Springfield while Ron Marsh talks about what it takes to create an awesome YouTube channel. It’s a great podcast and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy!!

Direct download: All-Star_Variety_Hour_54.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 3:01am EST

It’s always fun to revisit old friends from the AML Nation and we’ve travelled all the way to Missoula, Montana for a catch-up with Cam Nealy. There’s been big changes since our last visit, a new job is just underway, and the railroad has a new emphasis on Marias Pass in the western portion of Montana.

Staging yards have been removed. Track arrangements changed, and the whole layout has a new meaning with helper districts being the emphasis of operations. Cam has built a beautiful layout and in this first installment he explains why the changes were made and what the future holds. It’s a great layout it’s a great podcast and one more sure you’ll enjoy.

Direct download: Episode_235__Nealy_Revisited.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

It’s Springfield Report number four where the action is exciting, and the interviews leave you hanging on every word. Once again, we sent out our intrepid reporter, the “Queso Cowboy” to find all the latest gossip in model railroading.

In this episode, we talk with the Four County Society of Model Engineers, there’s another visit with Matt Stern from Bachman, Jim Wiggin with all the latest news from Athearn, and a visit with one of our favorite freight car manufacturers, David Leilbach of Tangent Scale Models.

And if that’s not enough, some of the regular gang stop by to give their opinions on everything from the world cricket championships and travelling the highways and byways of America. It’s a great podcast and we’re sure you’ll enjoy.

Direct download: Springfield_Report_Part_Four.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 1:25pm EST

It’s part three of the “Springfield Interviews” and this time our very own Queso Cowboy takes to floor to get the latest scoop on what’s happening around the hobby.

In this report Queso stops by Mine Mount Models to find out about their first limited edition kit, there’s a visit with Rudy from Garbely Publishing and a great chat with the folks at Valley HO Trak. Plus he checks in on all the latest news from Walthers before stopping by the White Rose Hobbies booth to discuss they’re recent acquisition of Bethlehem Car Works and finally Matt Herman from 3D Central tells us all about this great new company. 

So sit back with some week-old candy floss, left over soda from your brothers BBQ and enjoy!!

Direct download: Springfield_Report_Part_Three.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 12:06am EST

It’s Part Two of the Springfield Reports with more exciting interviews, more headline grabbing quotes, and an opportunity to hear about some of the exciting action in and around the ModelersLife booth in the Better Living Center.

In this episode, we hear from all sorts of different folks in the hobby, including Gordy Robinson the president of the NMRA, Bill Ford an avid AML listener, Matt Stern from Bachman, Kent Carrier from the R.I.T. club in Rochester, Brandon Bolwerk the travelling companion of “Mr. Jingles,” Michelle Kempema from the Colorado Model Railroad Museum, Matt Dawson one of the AML‘s favorite sons, and finally Otto Vondrak, the editor of Railroad Model Craftsman. It’s a great episode and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy.

Direct download: Springfield_Report__2.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 12:30am EST

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to operate on some of the most famous and greatest model railroads ever built or to be a regular crew member on Tony Koester‘s Allegheny Midland/Nickel Plate railroads or to visit Harold Werthwein’s fantastic Erie Railroad layout.

On this podcast we talk with some folks who’ve done just that. Tom, Doug and Ralph have known each for decades operating layouts regularly, operating on layouts throughout the northeast. In part one we lay the foundation for further discussions about what’s expected when visiting such layouts and what’s it’s like to be a regular on some well-known layouts. It’s a great podcast and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy.

Direct download: Episode_234__Great_Layouts_Part_One.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Another year has come and gone at the great Amherst Railway Society’s Railroad Hobby Show. With over twenty-six thousand people in attendance it was a roaring success with lots of folks to talk to, bargains to be had, layouts to seen, friends to reconnect with and new friends to be made.

In our first series of interviews we talk with folks who stopped by the booth to answer some hard-hitting questions. Ray Persing talks about his son Steve, Cale Leiphart about what’s new in the world of Lego modeling, John Frantz on taking his model railroad in a different direction, Ken McCorry on selling parts of his steel mill to make way for some new structures and Lucy Dormont on becoming the social media manager for the NMRA. It’s a great podcast and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy!!!

Direct download: Springfield_Report_Part_One.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

What happens when two guys from Pennsylvania who claim to be lone wolfs in the hobby, take over a Facebook page from a third modeler and then realize what they’ve done?? This is the heartwarming tale of Patrick Moore (the other guy) and Bradd Williamson from Crater, Pennsylvania, formerly known as Oval, Pennsylvania nestled in the sleepy valley of Nippenose.

From the first time they met until present day, the relationship between Patrick and Bradd reads like the finest “Harlequin” romance novel ever written. Together they created the “Iron City N-Scale” group that’s gone from just two members to well over six hundred and continues growing each day. Fellowship is the name of the game for these two model railroaders, and we’re glad they stopped by to share their story.

Direct download: Episode_233__Iron_City_N-Scale.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

There are hundreds and hundreds, probably over a thousand volunteers in the National Model Railroad Association. (NMRA) Each one working tirelessly to make this great hobby even better and one of our favorite department heads of the NMRA is Andy Zimmerman.

Andy oversees the Standards and Conformance committee guiding an enthusiastic volunteer force of almost a hundred dedicated folks each of whom spend several hours a week making sure manufacturers produce products that will perform well right out of the box. There’s also a lively chat about marketing and selling the NMRA. So grab yourself a big bowl of shredded conformance applications, a tall cool glass of battleship gray paint and enjoy!!

Direct download: Zimmerman__Standards__Conformances.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Building a model railroad layout is a rewarding hobby and documenting the process on YouTube can be both educational and entertaining for fellow hobbyists. From researching prototype railroads to designing and constructing the layout, there's a lot to cover and share with your audience. Peter Borcherds has an entertaining YouTube channel detailing his build of the BNSF Chicago Sub.

As well as being a lifelong model railroader, devoted AML listener, Peter is also the newest president of the NMRA’s British Region a vibrant model railroad community in the United Kingdom that provides valuable support and resources for members and others throughout Great Britain. This is a great podcast with a view of modeling an American prototype from across the pond. So grab yourself a big bowl of shredded seaweed, a tall cool glass of salt water and enjoy.

Direct download: Episode_232__Peter_Borcherds.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

It’s that time of year again, the Amherst Railway Society’s Railroad Hobby Show is about to open and once again we got John Sacerdote the show director for over two decades stops by the studio to tell us all about. We’re also joined by our very own “Uncle” Dave and Northeast RPM coordinator Dave Owens to get all the scoop.

From the Lego layout, 1:87 Scale Vehicle club, hundreds of vendors, Rapido Trains, who’s buried in the levy, chalking out the tables and getting the coveted parking pass, it’s all right here. Every year several charities benefit from some of the monies collected from admissions and table rentals, it’s the largest model railroad show in North America.  Grab yourself a big bowl of shredded vendors list and a tall cool glass of left-over cola and enjoy!!

With the Amherst Railway Society’s Railroad Hobby Show in Springfield, Massachusetts just around the corner, we here at the ole’ AML World Headquarters decided it was time to gather the crew together to coordinate all the weekends activities. Of course, the AML offices are a buzz with the with news that the Saturday Night Pizza has been replaced by the AML Dance Party in the same location and the same cast of characters.

Also there’s the typical back-and-forth between the Mailboy and the Queso Cowboy about who’s in charge of the jingles, plus the modeler simply known as “Kelly” takes an in-depth look at Keen Boots. Things get heated when the Mailboy and the Queso Cowboy heatedly discuss the value of manufactures giving customers an indication of what data will appear on the side of their next freight car. So grab a big bowl of shredded Bobby Socks, a tall cool glass of liquid boot protectant and enjoy!!

Direct download: Fans_of_the_AML_Part_71.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

It’s time to check in once again with our old pal "Uncle” Dave and see what he’s up to. On this episode of the “Fireside Chat,” we talk about instant gratification, and how it pertains to Model Railroading. There’s more discussion about the “Chicago Line” book, plus our in ability to coincide our calendars with each other and how the Buffalo Sabres got involved.

There’s nothing more the Evel Overlord enjoys than a chance to chat with Dave about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. When life is getting you down and the brakes just aren’t going your way, there’s no better medicine than being trackside with the Onondaga Cutoff. So grab yourself a big bowl of shredded hockey tape, a tall cool glass of melted rink water and enjoy!!

Direct download: _Uncle__Daves_Fireside_Chat_16.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Another year is in the books, and a new one is about to begin. Across the AML Nation there’s hope and optimism, with another chance for all of us to inspire and help each other reach even greater heights. This hobby provides an opportunity for so many folks from diverse backgrounds to come together and enjoy what each of us has to offer.

Scott wants to raise his layout up to even greater heights of completion, Peter has taken on the role of the president for the NMRA’s British Region and plans to work feverishly on it for an upcoming convention and Bradd looks froward to installing a signal system on his Railroad. It’s going to be another exciting year for the AML Nation, TomStock here we come.

Direct download: New_Years_in_the_AML_Nation.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

     You’ve had too much egg nog, your dog ate most of the bacon and you keep refreshing the water bowl for your artificial tree but it doesn’t seem to get any greener. Christmas is a time to spend holidays with family and friends, the Queso Cowboy has had major dental work done but stills speaks with the velvet tomes of Mel Torme. After a lively discussion about artificial trees we discover that the TableMaster has a seventeen-foot tree set in the main foyer of his estate.

     Next was a great discussion about your favorite Christmas movie. Everyone had excellent selections and it was all going along fine until we asked Kelly because little did we know or expect “Kelly’s” favorite movie would be a chick flick starring Hugh Grant, yes that’s correct “Kelly’s” favorite Christmas movie is “Love Actually” a bonafide chick flick, we’re all stunned and still aren’t sure how to react. Enjoy!!!

Direct download: Christmas_2023.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 8:54am EST

The model railroad industry lives and dies on the ability to appeal to the buying public, it seems easy to us consumers that merely have to check out what’s in stock and part with our hard-earned dollars. We take a peek behind the curtain to find out what’s it actually like to own a store dedicated to this great hobby, what to offer, dealing with wholesalers, consumers who just can’t seem to be satisfied no matter the problem and everything in between.

Stephen Atwell owns Midwest Model Railroad in Independence, Missouri a successful retail shop that’s becoming a destination, with a large selection of products and a great team ready to help. Lorne James owns Otter Valley Railroad in Tillsonburg, Ontario another wonderful store with an excellent selection of products and some of there own manufactured cars. It’s a great podcast with lots of great info from these leaders in the hobby. Enjoy!!

Direct download: Episode_231__Retail_Wars.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Sports announcers are a breed of their own and few stand out from the rest, such as John Madden in football, Vin Scully known as “Mr. Baseball, Foster Hewitt the long-time announcer of the Toronto Maple Leafs and Dick Vitale who began broadcasting college basketball games in 1979. Each one of these men had a quality you can’t teach, their unbridled passion for what they loved was infectious and so it is with our very own “Uncle” Dave.

Dave brings a special kind of enthusiasm that can’t be taught, to this great hobby of model railroading and anyone that tries to keep up with him is almost surely going to fall behind. Just listen to him as he describes his new book from Kalmbach about yard design or his self-published book, Guarding the Chicago Line, and his excitement about refurbishing a couple of Kato SD40-2’s. It’s time well spent with “Uncle” Dave we’re sure you’ll enjoy!!

Direct download: _Uncle__Daves_Fireside_Chat_15.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Brass locomotives are dead. There’s no point in buying them. They’re a bad investment. In fact, we couldn’t understand why anybody would even want to buy and sell them until we met Matt Dowd at Resourced Rail’s. Not only is Matt an avid Model Railroader but he’s been an avid collector and trader of brass locomotives in all scales for decades, and now he’s turned it into a full-time business.

We decided to have a return visit to find out how this fledgling company turned into a full-time job for Matt who now employs seven people to help him keep up with demand. Plus he tells us all about his exciting trip to the “Land of the Rising Sun” and what model railroading is like in Japan as he introduces us to some of the great brass locomotive builders of our time. It’s a great episode and one we’re all sure you’ll enjoy!!

Direct download: Episode_230__Resourced_Rails.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

It’s the OVR Pop-Up event #2 with several great guests, a mediocre introduction, and a Marginally Adequate wrap-up show. We’ll hear interviews from Nick Masney of ITLA Models, with lots of great products and is as excited about the future of the hobby as anybody, next up is Andrew Duns, who’s partners with Lorne James in the OVR Trains manufacturing business, then we hear from our old buddy George Bogatiuk from SoundTraxx who can dispense more information in 10 minutes than most people can in an hour.


Finally, we meet legendary accordion player Walter Ostanek, a three-time Grammy award winning musician who’s travelled the world and been on just about every show there is such as Johnny, Carson, Lawrence Welk, Don Ho, Phil Donahue etc. etc. Walter is still going strong at the age of 88 and it was a real thrill to meet him and spend quality time chatting about his life. This is a great podcast and one you’re sure you’ll enjoy!!

Direct download: OVR_Pop-Up_Event_Part_2.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:44am EST

It’s the end of the Ken McCorry forty-seven-part trilogy of one of the best layouts in all of North America, from its humble beginnings in a townhouse to a dedicated thirty-three hundred square foot barn this story about a man and his dream is completed for now. There so much to learn about the Buffalo Line and in this series of podcasts we only managed to scratch the surface.

With an actual quarter mile of mainline and eleven different branches, this one of the most extensive and exciting to run model railroads ever built. But don’t be mistaken, operations on this railroad are taken very seriously and you can’t just step into a job of your choosing without being fully qualified as the Evel Overlord found out. Ken was a great guest and after a brief pause due to medical complications, we were able to bring this series to close. It’s a great podcast and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy!!

Direct download: Episode_228__Ken_McCorry_Part_Four.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Tillsonburg, Tillsonburg, my back still aches when I hear that word. However, one thing that Tillsonburg does have, is one of the best model railroad shops in all of Canada, ideally located about two hours from Toronto, Buffalo and Detroit. Our very own, Lorne James and his wife Sara are the proud owners of Otter Valley Railroad and decided to host a day long show for some of the best manufacturers in the hobby.

The AML Nation decided to send one of its crack reporters to this event for interviews and what’s happening in the hobby. None of those people were available so instead they sent the Evel Overlord, and he got a chance to talk with several of the attendees. It’s a great podcast, so grab yourself a big bowl of shredded sales receipts, all cool glass of left-over soda and enjoy!!

Direct download: Otter_Valley_Pop-Up_Event.mp3
Category:Model Railroad, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

It’s part three of the Ken McCorry Chronicles, and during this episode, we tried to convince him to let us take the Corvette out for a spin. We also investigate the changing eras and railroads on the three-hundred-mile-long Buffalo Line and what’s behind them. We find out how difficult it is, how much different equipment is needed and what’s behind it all.

For this podcast were joined by former Conrail employee Doug Watts who’s been operating on Ken‘s layouts before the barn was even built. Plus, there’s plenty of discussion about how to maintain one of the largest layouts in the country. It’s a great podcast and one for sure you’ll enjoy!!

Direct download: Episode_227__Ken_McCorry_Part_3.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Back in the studio is a newly discovered AML talent with a resume that would impress any railfan, modeler or locomotive engineer in just about any generation. Mike May has been a railfan his whole life, a steam and diesel engineer for about half his life, the guy in charge of the “Polar Expess” Christmas extravaganza and now has decided to dip his toe into model railroad manufacturing.

About ten years ago Mike began building my third layout, the White Pass & Yukon Route. The railroad is an unusual prototype which led to many challenges and solutions along the way. This turned into an idea to start offering high quality kits of prototypes that haven’t been available for this unique railroad. Hopefully these kits can help others start modeling the WP&YR or find great freelance homes for them as well.

Direct download: NorthBound_Model_Works.mp3
Category:Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:33am EST

It’s another great edition of the always popular All-Star Variety Hour, and there’s plenty of good discussion with two people who are involved in the manufacturing and retail side of the hobby. First up, we talk with Jordan Smith of Rapido while attending Dealer Daze at their world headquarters just north of Toronto, Canada. It was a very busy event and Jeremy the video guy even gets involved.

We also chat with Chris Palmieri of Home Shops who has stopped by the ‘ole AML studios many times, this is a model railroad company that specializing in custom painted quality freelance equipment. It’s an interesting story and we catch Chris as he travels from show to show trying to sell all sorts of distinctive freight cars from various manufacturers painted and lettered for many different freelanced railroads. It's a great podcast and one we're sure you'll enjoy!!

Direct download: All-Star_Variety_Hour_51.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 5:22am EST

It’s part two of our thirty-seven, four-part trilogy featuring the life and times of Ken McCorry. In this episode we try to find out just exactly how Ken ever managed to develop such a superb track plan with an HO-scale mainline that’s one-quarter mile long for his magnificent Buffalo Line model railroad.

There’s also great discussion about the care and feeding of the operators for this fine railroad. You can’t just walk into the Buffalo Line, pick-up a throttle and choose whichever job you’d like on any day, many of the jobs on this model railroad are highly skilled and can take quite some time to learn. It’s a great podcast with all sorts of interesting information about operating a thirty-two hundred square-foot layout. Enjoy!!

Direct download: Episode_226__Ken_McCorry_Part_Two.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

There’s no way a guy living in the North Atlantic off the coast of Scotland on a tiny rock could have any sort of significant impact on an organization such as the NMRA with the majority of its membership located in the lower forty-eight. Turns out nothing could be farther from the truth, not only has our next guest’s hard work resulted in major changes, but in reality, his leadership has helped to improve the hobby of model railroading for everyone involved.

As the NMRA continues to struggle with declining membership lack of renewals and a younger generation that sees no immediate benefit from belonging, one man stands alone against almost insurmountable odds, with a single-minded goal of making the NMRA and all its members get as much from the hobby of model railroading as possible. So grab yourself a big bowl of haggis, a tall cool glass of lukewarm sea water and enjoy!!!

Direct download: Gordy_Robinson_and_the_NMRA.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

What would happen if you grew up in the 1960s alongside the four track Pennsylvania Railroad main line in Berwyn, Pennsylvania?? There’d be a good chance you’d end up becoming a lifelong model railroader and that’s exactly what happened to our next guest Ken McCorry. But that’s not where the story ends, an American Flyer train set, a short stent in the Navy, a couple of N-scale layouts followed by an introduction to model railroad operations, and the rest is history.

 After the switch to HO scale Ken decided to model the Buffalo Line based on an article, he’d read in the Penn Central Railroader magazine. Early retirement at the age of forty-six, allowed for the opportunity to build a specially designed building behind his home that would eventually house a thirty-two-hundred square foot multi-deck layout. This great podcast is the first part of a fascinating story and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy.


Direct download: Episode_225__Ken_McCorry_Part_1.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Let’s head back down to the Station Inn on the Norfolk Southern mainline at Cresson, Pennsylvania for some words of wisdom from “Uncle” Dave and “the Wiz.” In part two of the “Chronicles” Rich Wisneski gives us some detailed background about the grades heading east and west as the tracks cross the summit near Gallitzin, Pennsylvania. We find out more about a seventeen-year-old Dave that’s made the same trek every year for the last three decades and how he managed to keep going.

Much has changed at the Station Inn over the last couple of years as Alex Lang along with his lovely wife have purchased this historic property, Alex describes some of the challenges they’ve faced running the Inn while making some major improvements. Several trains pass while conducting interviews on the porch which just adds to the excitement of sitting just a few feet away from a busy mainline. It’s a great podcast and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy!!

Direct download: Cresson_Chronicles_Part_Two.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

So you’re asking yourself, who’s that guy sitting beside the “Dude” each time you watch “What’s Neat This Week” featuring Ken “the Dude” Patterson?? Why it’s none other than Joshua Barton, a man of many skills including to help keep the “Dude” on track so to speak, with product announcements, guest line-ups and looking after the always popular Mike Budde.

Joshua has had a very interesting life as a chef, musician, video tech to name just a few of his talents. He’s also currently building a layout featuring the area around Desoto, Missouri in a friend’s basement, with benchwork that could support an M1 Abrams tank from the U.S. Military. Most of us know him as Joshua “SugarFire” Barton but he’s moved on from that career and for now is concentrating on the hobby of model railroading. It’s an interesting episode and one we’re sure you’ll leave with more questions than answers. Enjoy!!  

Direct download: Episode_224__Joshua_Barton.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Have you ever stood on the shores of Lake Erie looking wistfully across towards Canada only to wish you had more foreigners use your bathroom. Have you ever stared at the photos from the Collinsville Railroad Prototype Modelers wondering what it would be like if Buzz and Lorne went?? Well, then this is the podcast for you.

On this addition of “a ModelersLife,” we learn about such things as using a hovercraft to get across Lake Erie, burying assorted model railroad train supplies on a farm, heat stroke at the St. Louis Cardinals game, and what to do if you’re Canadian and you like trains. So grab yourself a big bowl of shredded marine maps and a tall cool glass of Cleveland Harbor sludge and enjoy.

Direct download: Buzz__Lorne_Visit_St.Louis.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

What do you say to somebody that tells you they’re building a four-deck model railroad, we weren’t sure either, but were determined to find out. John’s love of railroads in the Chesapeake Bay area during the 1970s has led him to create a model railroad with multiple helixes several decks creating what believe will be in layout for the ages. Our next guest is a lifelong modeler, who recently joined the Rapido Trains team as project manager number 347.

 But wait, there’s more, after a short stent at Custom Model Railroads in Baltimore and creating laser cut acrylic structure kits. John moved on to producing accurate decals for all major scales of the hobby, as well as stenciling for the restoration of some full-size railroad equipment with his Mount Vernon Shops becoming a growing concern since the early 2000’s. It’s a great interview with tons of interesting info, enjoy!!

Direct download: Episode_223__John_Frantz.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Time has passed, a year has gone by, and another visit to the Station Inn in Cresson, Pennsylvania has produced more great interviews with some very interesting characters. Situated beside the Norfolk Southern’s main line from Altoona to Johnstown, Pennsylvania fighting over some of the steepest mainline grades east of the Mississippi. It’s a busy helper district with high-volume traffic.

In part, one of the Cresson Chronicles, we interviewed a delightful fellow known as John Zelehoski with a plethora of unfinished stories. We talked to Doug Watts, a former Conrail employee, lifelong railroader and finally someone that’s becoming a fan favorite with his cheerful personality, Ralph Heiss, or we like to refer to him as Ralphie Boy. This is a great podcast and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy.

Direct download: Cresson_Chronicles_Part_One.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 3:44am EST

The hobby is dying, there’s nothing but old guys in it, and soon there won’t be anything left of model railroading. We here at the old AML Nation don’t believe that for a second and this podcast is solid proof that the hobby is alive and well. John McGuire is a 22 year old enthusiastic modeler with a talent for installing LED lights and DCC decoders. 

Installing LED lights in model railroad locomotives can add a realistic touch to your layout, making the trains more visually appealing and immersive. John decided to start Garden State Modelworks and is quickly becoming known as a master craftsman with installations. When “Uncle” Dave found out that all he had to do was meet John with a box of locomotives at a gas station on the interstate he was sold on the idea and seeds of this of this podcast were planted. Enjoy!!

Direct download: Episode_222__John_McGuire.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Much like President Franklin D. Roosevelt's series of radio broadcasts during WWII, “Uncle” Dave’s fireside chats have become a cornerstone of the AML nation, bringing calmness and stability to the fast-paced, ever-changing world of model railroading. Just like FDR, “Uncle” Dave’s fireside chats are designed to make complex issues and policies more accessible while at the same time avoiding that most common of all mistakes… Gluing your finger to your eyelid.

Whether Dave is discussing the ebb and flow in world of business and railroading, the hiring of conductors and engineers, getting ready for next year’s big Springfield show, his family taking precedence over all things railroading or just talking about one of his favorite railfanning spots, it all makes for great conversation. So grab yourself a big bowl of shredded hotel bed sheets, a tall cool glass of melted candle was wax and enjoy!!

Direct download: _Uncle__Daves_Fireside_Chat_13.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 1:50am EST

The hobby of model railroading just continues to grow and grow, and today’s electronics is opening up all sorts of avenues that we never thought possible just a few short years ago. One of those companies that is increasing enjoyment of the hobby is a small business located in Warwick, Rhode Island, called East Coast Circuits, specializing, in lighting affects for emergency vehicles, such as police, cars, firetrucks, ambulances and other vehicles like the UPS five-ton delivery van.

There’s also a whole range of circuits for crossing gates, traffic lights, burning fires and a range of other random lighting circuits. In just a few short years East Coast Circuits has made a name for itself and continues to grow. This is an amazing story of some enterprising fellows that decided to turn the hobby on its ear using nothing but a few LED lights, nine-volt batteries and a bit of wire. It’s a story we’re sure you’ll enjoy.

Direct download: Episode_221__East_Coast_Circuits.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

This is the story of a boy and his heavyweight passenger car known as “Erie Business Car One.” When not running JL Innovative Design with his brother Mike, Chris Costello can be found pursuing his other hobby of collecting full size 1:1 railroad equipment and the center piece of his collection is “Erie One,” a private railroad car operated by the Erie Railroad Company.

 Private railroad cars, also known as business cars or executive cars, were used by railroad executives, dignitaries, and sometimes wealthy passengers for luxurious and comfortable travel. These cars were equipped with lavish amenities, including comfortable sleeping quarters, a dining area, lounges, and even office spaces to conduct business while on the move. Chris bought the car and with the help of some dedicated individuals is slowly bring it back to life. This is a great podcast and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy!!

Direct download: Chris_Costello_and_Erie_Number_One.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:24am EST

It’s the final part of all our NERPM interviews from this year’s event, we heard from more than a dozen different participants and each with an interesting story to tell. RPM meets continue to grow and attract a wide range of modelers with various interests in all types of different railroading. This year’s event attracted well over two hundred modelers and we’re already looking forward to some more great interviews next year.


In this episode we hear from avid Penn Central modeller Blair Davis, Erik Hansmann also known as Mr. RPM, the always lovable Chris Adams, Springfield show director, and man about town John Sacerdote and finally the man, the legend, none other than Dave Owens making sure everyone has a great time and occasionally gives people rides to dinner. So grab yourself a big bowl of shredded resin kit instructions, a tall cool glass of used decal water and enjoy!!

Direct download: NERPM_Interviews_Part_Three.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

If you’re gonna be in the Navy it might as well be on the deck of a carrier during the storm of the century and if you’re gonna be a member of the NMRA, it might as well be as the Conformance and Standards Chairman. Our next guest is Ex-Navy and the now serving the NMRA with the same commitment and enthusiasm as he did when firing jets off the deck of a carrier. But after trying to explain T-Trak to the Evel Overlord he’d rather be tied up in the Port of Memphis, Tennessee.

We first met Andy on AML’s Wednesday night Patreon chats and after finding out from Gordie the NMRA prez he’s running the Conformance and Standards department for the NMRA, it seemed only natural to have him stop by the ‘ole AML Studios for a more in-depth investigation of this model railroader. From filling the basement of his parents home with plywood to helping out with the Big Bend Model Railroad Association, Andy wears a lot of different hats and they all seem to fit just fine.

Direct download: Episode_221__Andy_Zimmerman.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Its’ ”Part Two” of the NERPM (excuse me) interviews direct to you from downtown Springfield, Massachusetts home each January to the big Amherst Society’s model railroad show held at the Eastern Exposition grounds and each June modelers gather together at the NERPM meet in downtown Springfield, Massachusetts to celebrate model railroading in a different way. With various activities such as clinics covering topics like weathering techniques, scratch building, layout design, historical research, and some hands-on instructional workshops. 

In this episode of the NERPM Chronicles, you will hear from such great modelers as Jim Homoki who discusses recent events on his Penn Central layout, Rob Hinkle fills us in on what’s up at the Operations Special Interest Group, Luis Segarra talks about being part of the show crew. Dave Oppedisano discusses starting his dream layout featuring his love of BNSF and Ted DiIorio tells about his hands on instructional weathering clinic that’s always a hit at any show he attends. It’s a fun podcast we’re sure you’ll enjoy!! 

Direct download: NERPM_Interviews_Part_Two.mp3
Category:Model Railroading -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Modeling the New Haven Railroad in the mid-1950s can be an exciting and historically accurate project. The New Haven Railroad, officially known as the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad (NYNH&H), was a prominent railroad company that served the New England region of the United States during that era.

Our next guest is recreating as much of the New Haven Railroad as possible on three levels, with a track plan scaled down from the prototype, while enjoying the process and letting his creativity fill in the blanks. For Bill Chapin modeling the New Haven Railroad in the mid-1950s allows him to recreate a fascinating era in railroading history and bring it to life for the rest of us to enjoy!!

Direct download: Episode_220__Bill_Chapin.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Railroad Prototype Modelers meets, (RPM) are an excellent way to connect with other model railroaders who share a passion for realism, exchange ideas and discuss techniques. There’s a wide variety of detailed locomotives, rolling stock, structures that closely replicate real-world railroads, time periods, and geographic regions with precise attention to detail.

This podcast features interviews with attendees David Yale, Jim ”the Hammer” Lincoln and Rapido’s own John Frantz. Overall, attending railroad prototype modelers meets can be an enriching experience for model railroaders. It allows you to immerse yourself in the world of prototype modeling, learn from experts, discover new techniques, and forge connections with like-minded individuals who are as passionate about the hobby as you are.

Direct download: NERPM_Interviews_Part_One.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Allen Keller is a name that everyone in model railroading, young or old should recognize as a contributor to the hobby through his video series ”Great Model Railroads.” Travelling all around the lower forty eight over three decades to visit and record some of the best builders and their railroads.

Allen’s Bluff City Southern also a great model railroad in it’s own right, is alive and well today set in the area around Memphis in 1950 when cotton was king, operating throughout the Mid-South providing interchanges in the Memphis area with the IC, Frisco, L&N, Southern and the Missouri Pacific. This is a great podcast discussing some of the most interesting layouts and thier owners from the 80’s, 90’s and early 2000’s. Enjoy!!

Direct download: Episode_219__Allen_Keller.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

The Northeast/New England RPM Meet has been growing and growing over the past twenty years until it became one of the go to meets in the country. RPM Meets are all over the country and they truly began as simply someplace to display models finished or otherwise, meet old and new friends, learn some new techniques and leave by the end of the weekend enthused as ever about the hobby.  

The NERPM is not an exclusive group of super modelers, they are regular folks' like you and me. Some may be more talented than others, but most aspire to be better, to produce more realistic looking models and share ideas. Dave Owens and his band of merry men encourage modelers of all abilities to share what they accomplished so far: Finished or otherwise, completed or in-progress. There is no judgment, no one telling you that you are wrong, just good camaraderie. This is a great podcast that we’re sure you’ll enjoy!! 

Direct download: NERPM__excuse_me.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

It's always fun to welcome a newcomer to the AML Studios in downtown, Busted Knuckle, Kentucky and this week our guest travelled all the way from North Carolina. Marcus is a veteran in the world of N-Scale and his beautiful layout the Charleston, Roanoke & Eastern Railway set in the late 80's/early 90's when there was still a lot of variety on the Class One railroads and operations from that era were what kept the country moving.  

When our wandering reporter Nick Santo stopped by for a visit, we knew that there was much more to learn about the layout and the owner. Overall, Marcus's combination of interests in N-scale model railroading, his work at the North Carolina Transportation Museum, and his affinity for the Norfolk Southern Railroad showcases a deep passion for railways and a dedication to preserving and promoting their legacy. 

Direct download: Episode_218__Marcus_Neubacher.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

It’s coming, like kids at Christmas or standing rail-side waiting for Union Pacific’s “Big Boy” the anticipation for this year’s NMRA National convention in Dallas, Texas continues to build. Model railroad enthusiasts are passionate about their hobby, and conventions are a chance to share that passion with others, talk about their layouts, share modeling techniques and show off their latest creations.

Chris Atkins and Riley Triggs stop by the AML studios to give us an update on all the exciting events taking place at the Supercharged Highspeed, Texas Express !! There’s plenty of great layouts, prototype tours, clinics and of course the chance to get your very 3D image thanks to Bernard Hellen at MiniPrints. Be prepared for surprises, whether it's a creative new design, a new locomotive release, structure kit or unexpected celebrity sighting, you just never know what you might see at the NMRA National convention.

Direct download: The_Texas_Express_.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 1:36pm EST

What happens when a prospective member calls up and asks for advice??...

We say leave a message and we’ll get back to you, or we gather together some of the greatest minds in all of AML Nation to answer the call. Last week’s guest Bradd Williamson had fallen asleep in the studio while trying to decide whether or not to join the NMRA, so it only seemed natural to make a podcast out of it.

Bradd was trying to decide if joining the NMRA was worth the money and answered his own question as the night went on. He really wanted to attend a local NMRA regional convention with his buddies and in a final effort to get the ball rolling the “Queso Cowboy” stepped up to the plate and offered a challenge. If Bradd joined Tom Jacobs said he’d follow suit and before the show was over the NMRA had two brand new members added to their ever-growing membership list!!

Direct download: Bradd_Joins_the_NMRA.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 3:52am EST

Members of the AML Nation come in all shapes and sizes from all corners of the globe, with this episode of “a ModelersLife,” we meet one of the Iron City N-Scalers, a group of friendly fellows brought together by some other fellow, who’s name we can’t recall at this time. Bradd Williamson was destined to be a lone wolf modeler, until one day he decided to find out if model railroading had a presence on the internet.

A high school physics teacher from the Jersey Shore has had a passion for model railroading as long as he can remember, quite content to live out his life alone in railroading while the hobby slowly died away. Then one day this creature called social media reared its head and Bradd discovered a whole world of modelers just waiting to become close friends and help him set out on all sorts of exciting adventures!! Grab yourself a big bowl of shredded standardized tests, a tall cool class of Newtonian fluid and enjoy!!

Direct download: Episode_217__Bradd_Williamson.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

After a quick chat at Springfield, Jason Shron expressed an interest to come back on the podcast and talk about what’s the landscape of the hobby post pandemic, what the future holds and the importance of pre-orders.  Running a successful model railroad manufacturing company based in Canada, or any other country for that matter, requires a strong business plan, good communication with suppliers, a solid understanding of the market with a commitment to quality and customer service.

There’s also a discussion about Jason’s deep commitment to his faith, working on his layout, “Canadian National’s Kingston Sub,” spending more time with his family, Rapido in the United Kingdom and of course one of the latest offerings from Rapido… The GE 44-Tonner. This is an interesting chat with lots of twists and turns, so grab a big bowl of shredded N-95 masks, a tall cool glass of fish fry oil and enjoy!!

Direct download: Jingles_For_Jason.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Here comes another podcast with another great story from the AML Nation, this time we travelled all the way to Switzerland to visit with a locomotive engineer that’s about to change careers and become a police officer. Transitioning from being a locomotive engineer to a member of the local constabulary will involve several changes for Robin but it quickly became obvious to us that it won’t be getting in the way of his ongoing enthusiasm for the hobby.

American prototype modeling is alive and well in Switzerland with an active group of dedicated modelers accurately depicting railroading in north America. Robin has enjoyed weathering locomotives and rolling stock for some time now and with an impressive collection of brass engines his modeling can stand with the best of them. Grab yourself a big bowl of shredded moving citations, a tall cool glass of day-old coffee and enjoy!!

Direct download: Episode_216__Robin_Fel.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

It’s the final installment of all the Springfield 2023 interviews and this time interview several folks from Rapido trains on late Sunday afternoon, plus we hear from John Sacerdote the show director for more than twenty years. After a tough couple of years, the show bounced back with big crowds and tons of new product announcements.

We finally get to meet some Rapido’s brightest minds, chat briefly with “Uncle” Dave and catch up with our old pal Kaylee Zheng. Bruce the Mailboy stops by at the end of the show to wrap things up and give his thoughts on hands free driving, it’s a great podcast with an interesting cast of characters. Enjoy!!

Direct download: Springfield_Report_-_Part_Four.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 11:38am EST

Well, we’ve come to the end of the Mike May thirty-seven part trilogy and a good time was had by all. We discovered that there is no bear on the “Polar Express,” learned all about the Hesston Steam museum in LaPorte County, Indiana, found out what it’s really like to a locomotive engineer on the Durango and Silverton and had a chance to hear about running on Amtrak.

We took in so much information during this series, it feels like our head is about to esplode, but fortunately for the AML Nation Mike agreed to come back and update us on his latest adventures. What a great story, a true railfan since he could remember, supportive parents and a journey through railroading that most of us can only dream about. This is another great podcast we’re sure you’ll enjoy!!

Direct download: Episode_215__Mike_May_Part_4.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

It’s part three of the Springfield, “Big E”, Amherst Society train show reports, where a great time was had by all. This show is a wonderful opportunity to connect with old friends make new ones and browse a through a large variety of vendors all in one location, plus the pre-show clinics giving everyone a chance to learn more about the hobby.
On this podcast we hear from the folks at Hattons, one of the largest model railroad vendors in Britain, learn more about the Reading Historical Society, chat with our old friend Ron Klaiss from Mine Mount Models and promise George that next year we’ll visit his layout. This year was the first show since weathering a worldwide pandemic and the snowstorm of the century. The crowds were huge, and the fun was enormous. Enjoy!!

Direct download: Springfield_Show_Report_Part_3.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Running the “Polar Express” is a full-time job and yet our guest Mike May still has time to occasionally put his name on the extra board and run some of the most iconic locomotives in North America. In this episode we dive deeper into what it takes to keep the “Polar Express” on track at several different locations around the continental United States and various spots around the globe.

Mike has been an avid railroader most of his life whether it be model or prototype and his opinions on the hobby of model railroading and the influence railroading of any kind has on the population as a whole are interesting to say the least. There are so many that ride the Durango and Silverton that might only have a passing interest in are yet drawn to Colorado by the hundreds of thousands each year to ride a train. It’s a great episode with lots of thoughtful discussion. Enjoy!!

Direct download: Episode_214__Mike_May_Part_Three.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

It’s always fun to chat with folks you only see face to face very occasionally and this Springfield report is no different. Whether it’s Ralph Heiss, one of “Uncle” Dave’s regular crew or Shane Wilson the controlling hand at ScaleTrains, the conversations are always fun and always full of interesting tidbits.

We also get a chance to visit with Riley Triggs who heads up the NMRA’s Publication Department, the “Queso Cowboy” has a great chat with Rob Hinkle the president of the Operations SIG. We were introduced to “That Train Couple” Jasmine and her husband Frank you’ve just begun a journey into the world of model railroading utilizing Facebook and YouTube. Finally, we get a chance for a quick chat with Stephen Atwell the owner of Midwest Model Railroad in Independence, Missouri. It’s a great podcast and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy!!

Direct download: Springfield_Report_Part_Two.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

It’s part two pf the forty-seven-part Mike May trilogy and in this episode, we discover how a young boy from the suburbs of Chicago eventually is drawn to the wilds of Alaska and one of the most famous three-foot gauge railroads in the world, the White Pass and Yukon Route. Mike has built a beautiful rendition of this railroad in HOn3 that’s just eighteen inches wide and over twenty feet long.

Today the White Pass is the busiest tourist railroad in America after being shut down in 1982 due to lack of freight traffic and then re-open for tourism few years later. Mike has carefully modeled the railroad and eventually become a Master Model Railroader. We also discover that he enjoys writing, having had several articles published in the Narrow Gauge and Short Line Gazette as well as having the layout featured in the 2022 edition of Great Model Railroads. It’s another great podcast and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy!!

Direct download: Episode__213_Mike_May_Part_Two.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

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