Mon, 22 June 2020
Still need help getting that old John Deere tractor running, can’t decide which crops to plant this season, you’ve planted an acre of garlic but don’t have enough lettuce to make a salad?? You went down to the local Ace Hardware looking for expert advice from the manager about renovating your grandma‘s bedroom and all he wanted to do was sell you a Palzer’s Plumbing Supply kit and some HO scale industrial storage racking?? Fortunately it’s time for another All-Star Variety Hour which will be of no actual use but may help to relieve the pain of day to day life. So grab yourself a big bowl of moist potting soil, a tall cool glass of Benjamin Moore’s exterior primer and enjoy!!
Direct download: All-Star_Variety_Hour_23.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EDT |