a ModelersLife

Tillsonburg, Tillsonburg… My back still aches when I hear that word. But these days if you’re a model railroader, Tillsonburg and a stop at the Otter Valley Railroad store has become an absolute must see destination, our pal Lorne James has created a great shop with plenty of stock and lots of courteous staff to go along with it.

Not long-ago Lorne produced a manufacturers day and the AML crew was on the spot with our portable recording equipment to found out what’s new in the fast paced world of model railroading. So, grab yourself a big bowl of shredded cash register receipts, a steaming hot mug of packaging tape glue and enjoy!!

Direct download: All-Star_Variety_Hour_37.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:23am EST