a ModelersLife

Chris Wehman is becoming an increasingly popular guest on ModelersLife with a fabulous N-Scale layout, tons of enthusiasm for the hobby, unparalleled railfanning videographer skills, devoted to replicating model railroad operations and a burning desire to make this hobby of model railroading, as much fun for every around him as it is for himself.

Well, it turns out he’s now a bona fide, YouTube influencer in the hobby of model railroading featuring Scale Trains N-Scale, SD 40–2 on his layout and while hosting a very informative video with tons of great information about the locomotive. This podcast was lots of fun to record, and it’ll be even more fun to listen to. Thanks for Listening!!

Direct download: Chris_Wehman_-_YouTube_Influencer.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST