a ModelersLife

How many episodes will it take to interview what many say is one of the most influential model railroaders of all time. Here at the ‘ole AML headquarters we fired up our IBM 5150 trying to come up with a reasonable number and decided this could be part three of a forty-seven-part Tony Koester Trilogy.

Tony had lots of stories to share about his travels with Jim Boyd whom he worked alongside during his days at Railroad Model Craftsman. We’re also joined by our very own magazine editor extraordinaire, Tony Cook who plans to someday release a book of Jim Boyd’s night photography. It’s a great episode filled with lots of interesting, fun and adventurous anecdotes from years past. So, get comfortable in your favorite pjs and enjoy!!  

Direct download: Episode_180__Koester_Part_Three.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST