a ModelersLife

Our next guest has led a life of railroading since the day he opened his eyes, with parents that were supportive, Mike Burgett has been a railroader his entire life. Whether he was planting signals in the backyard of his childhood home or writing letters to the presidents of railroads, and sleeping in his own private caboose, high iron has been in his blood forever.

This is a fantastic interview with one of the most talented model railroaders on the planet and Mike is more than happy to tell his story, share his ideas and help others achieve the same level of success he has. After a visit to the Chesapeake & Ohio, Clifton Forge Division, “Uncle” Dave insisted that we get Mike on the phone and organize an interview. This podcast is packed with information, so find a comfortable spot with pen and paper in hand to take notes!!

Direct download: Episode_204__Mike_Burgett.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST