Mon, 12 February 2024
What happens when two guys from Pennsylvania who claim to be lone wolfs in the hobby, take over a Facebook page from a third modeler and then realize what they’ve done?? This is the heartwarming tale of Patrick Moore (the other guy) and Bradd Williamson from Crater, Pennsylvania, formerly known as Oval, Pennsylvania nestled in the sleepy valley of Nippenose. From the first time they met until present day, the relationship between Patrick and Bradd reads like the finest “Harlequin” romance novel ever written. Together they created the “Iron City N-Scale” group that’s gone from just two members to well over six hundred and continues growing each day. Fellowship is the name of the game for these two model railroaders, and we’re glad they stopped by to share their story.
Direct download: Episode_233__Iron_City_N-Scale.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST |