Mon, 25 March 2024
It’s always fun to revisit old friends from the AML Nation and we’ve travelled all the way to Missoula, Montana for a catch-up with Cam Nealy. There’s been big changes since our last visit, a new job is just underway, and the railroad has a new emphasis on Marias Pass in the western portion of Montana. Staging yards have been removed. Track arrangements changed, and the whole layout has a new meaning with helper districts being the emphasis of operations. Cam has built a beautiful layout and in this first installment he explains why the changes were made and what the future holds. It’s a great layout it’s a great podcast and one more sure you’ll enjoy.
Direct download: Episode_235__Nealy_Revisited.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EDT |