a ModelersLife

Here’s a question for everyone in the AML Nation, how many times is too many times to chat with our illustrious NMRA President, Gordy Robinson?? Not sure of the answer?? None of us here at the old AML headquarters know the answer either, but we’re thinking it’s probably something like, to infinity and beyond!!  

The crew was lucky enough to catch up with Gordy Robinson at his parents’ home just before heading to the local infirmary for some surgery and finding out how many of the doctors and nurses he could sign up for memberships to the NMRA. Also Gordy tells us about another great way to save on your NMRA membership. It’s another excellent Gordy Robinson interview. Enjoy.

Direct download: Episode_236__Gordy_Robinson.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST