a ModelersLife

So you’re asking yourself what do Henry Mancini, West Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, Tony Dorsett, the Conway Yard and the Norfolk Southern have in common with our next guest?? Well basically nothing other than all these people and places were mentioned on this podcast as we discovered the secret of hollow core door layouts.

Richard Shirey has been working for the Norfolk Southern for over a decade and has a vast knowledge of all things railroading and in particular, railroading in the Western Pennsylvania area. We were introduced to Richard by our good friend Bradd “the Professor” Williamson who claimed to have a vast knowledge of our guest. So grab a big bowl of shredded sheet music, a tall cool glass of horn spit and enjoy!!

Direct download: Episode_240__Richard_Shirey.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EDT