Mon, 22 July 2024
What happens when you take a dream, start small and end up with one of the most comprehensive hobby stores east of the Mississippi?? This was the vision of our next guest Ryan Thoman the owner of White Rose Hobbies a full line hobby shop located in York, Pennsylvania right there on the Lincoln Highway. Originally in a bedroom of his parent’s home it wasn’t long until the store occupied a seven hundred square foot space. During this time Ryan started to work for Norfolk Southern and then a few years later his friend told him of a great location owned by his family and today’s version of the store was born. Plus, we find out what the future of Bethlehem Car Works is and why you should never purchase some else’s layout.
Direct download: Episode_242__Ryan_Thoman_White_Rose_Hobbies.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST |