a ModelersLife

Answering ViewerMail is one of our favorites here at the ole’ AML studios, whether it's pro or con, it’s a chance to connect with your audience, hear their thoughts, and engage in meaningful dialogue, even when the feedback is critical. Recently John Doehring the Eastern of  representative the NMRA’s board of directors took exception to some our views about the way the organization is being run and sent us a very thoughtful and insightful email stating his concerns.

This is a special edition of ViewerMail with John and some of the regular AML crew to discuss some of those concerns. It’s a great podcast with plenty of back and forth, in fact the discussion was so interesting we only managed to get halfway through and invited John back for a second episode. It’s a great podcast and one I’m sure you’ll enjoy!!

Direct download: John_Doehring__ViewerMail.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST