a ModelersLife

So, you can’t find a ski rack tall enough to hold your Batman snowboard, still trying to figure out why the engaging essence of your deodorant called “Salt of the Sea” smells more like worms in a can, or perhaps you’re trying to match the color of your 70’s avocado green refrigerator to paint your newly restored AMC Pacer.

We can’t help with any of these problems, but we can help you waste another ninety minutes listening to the latest edition of “Kelly” Questions. This time we’ve managed to lure in another unsuspecting model railroad manufacturer with the promise of increased sales based on his ability to get the highest score possible. Chris Costello of JL Innovative stops by the studio to try his luck under the tin foil hat. Grab yourself a big bowl of shredded packaging tape, a tall cool glass of acrylic caboose red and enjoy.

Direct download: Kelly_Questions__Chris_Costello.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST