Mon, 9 May 2022
It’s back!! It’s back!! After a long and lonely absence, one of the best RPM meets in the country is alive and well. The New England or Northeast (honestly, it’s been so long they can’t remember the name exactly) Railroad Prototype Modelers Meet has been revitalized and is back for another great gathering with lots of fabulous models on display, dozens of clinics and as always, the best model railroad raffle east of Trout Run, Pennsylvania!! Dave Owens and the crew have found a new hotel in Springfield, Mass., enlisted the help of Amherst show director John Sacerdote and rounded up some of their favorite model railroad vendors. You can pay in advance online, $40 bucks, or $45 bucks at the door and this year there’s a one-day registration for just $25 bucks!! So toss those beautiful models in a box, gas up the Subaru and head on out to the next great NERPM (‘cuse me) meet !!
Direct download: NERPM_cuse_me_is_Back.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EDT |