Mon, 1 January 2024
Another year is in the books, and a new one is about to begin. Across the AML Nation there’s hope and optimism, with another chance for all of us to inspire and help each other reach even greater heights. This hobby provides an opportunity for so many folks from diverse backgrounds to come together and enjoy what each of us has to offer. Scott wants to raise his layout up to even greater heights of completion, Peter has taken on the role of the president for the NMRA’s British Region and plans to work feverishly on it for an upcoming convention and Bradd looks froward to installing a signal system on his Railroad. It’s going to be another exciting year for the AML Nation, TomStock here we come.
Direct download: New_Years_in_the_AML_Nation.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST |