a ModelersLife

It’s Part Two of the Springfield Reports with more exciting interviews, more headline grabbing quotes, and an opportunity to hear about some of the exciting action in and around the ModelersLife booth in the Better Living Center.

In this episode, we hear from all sorts of different folks in the hobby, including Gordy Robinson the president of the NMRA, Bill Ford an avid AML listener, Matt Stern from Bachman, Kent Carrier from the R.I.T. club in Rochester, Brandon Bolwerk the travelling companion of “Mr. Jingles,” Michelle Kempema from the Colorado Model Railroad Museum, Matt Dawson one of the AML‘s favorite sons, and finally Otto Vondrak, the editor of Railroad Model Craftsman. It’s a great episode and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy.

Direct download: Springfield_Report__2.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 12:30am EST