a ModelersLife

T-Trak is one of the easiest ways for any individual to get started in the hobby of model railroading. Building a small one-foot square module can easily help speed up the learning process of building a layout of any size, plus there’s numerous groups to join where you can join with others to create sizeable layouts to run your favorite equipment.

One of the most prolific T-Trak modelers is Andy Zimmerman who when he’s not busy being head of the Standards and Conformance Department for the NMRA has built dozens of modules strictly for the enjoyment of participating.  Now he’s here to tell us all about the T-Trak world record attempt at the NMRA’s national convention coming up in 2026 in Chattanooga, Tennessee. It’s a great podcast and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy!!

Direct download: T-Trak_World_Record.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST