Mon, 31 May 2021
Not many things in life are more gratifying I life than achieving a goal or finishing a big project that’s well received by the intended audience and this couldn’t be truer for one of the AML Nation’s favorite sons. Our very own “Uncle” Dave has written what some are already calling the definitive book on railroad signalling and how it pertains to the hobby of model railroading. Dave’s excitement is infectious so we thought it would be fun to chat with Dave on the very day he received his first actual copies of “Guide to Signals and Interlockings.” It’s a great discussion, so get comfortable in your favorite easy chair with a big mug of cocoa, some of grandma’s world-famous apple pie and enjoy !!!
Direct download: _Uncle__Dave_Wrote_a_Book_.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EDT |