a ModelersLife

Almost everybody has a favourite relative, whether it’s cousin Eddie who borrows your favorite HO scale SD70ACE, or Aunt Sally who’s always ready with a plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. Here at the ole’ AML Nation, our favorite relative is none other than “Uncle” Dave who’s always ready with a story or helping hand, as we travel through the hills and valleys of our model railroad experience.

This month Dave talks about his desire for Rapido Trains to finally make his beloved C30-7a and talk about all the trials and tribulations of his new yard book from Kalmbach. (or somebody) As always, it’s a fun chat with our favorite relative, so sit back with a big bowl of shredded Conrail schedules, a tall cool glass of writer’s ink and enjoy!!

Direct download: _Uncle__Daves_Fireside_Chat_19.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST