a ModelersLife

It’s time once again for another edition of “Uncle” Dave’s Fireside chat and as usual no topic is left uncovered from improvements to the Onondaga Cutoff blog, witnessing the eclipse in full darkness to model railroad operations with his two boys Teddy and Pete on Ted Pamperin’s exquisite C&O Hinton Division in HO scale. Plus, we hear about being the keynote speaker at this year’s Island Ops.

But wait there’s more, what happens when the epicenter of a 4.8 earthquake is less three miles from your home in Lebanon, New Jersey and you’re at work in at Newark’s Penn Station. Aside from your family being on the local Fox News Station and being part of the earthquake protocol for the rail side of New Jersey Transit, it’s just another typical day in the life of “Uncle” Dave. So, grab yourself a big bowl of shredded safety forms, a tall cool glass of Passaic River water and enjoy!!

Direct download: _Uncle__Dave_Fireside_Chat_Part_18.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST