Mon, 14 June 2021
Can’t get enough of ViewerMail, still trying to recover from last week’s flight. You’ve wanted to discover the deeper meaning of life and always wondered what “Uncle” Dave thinks. Still trying to figure out if Neil Erickson is Erik Neilson’s long-lost brother. Thinking about sneaking past Michelle Kempema into the museum. Dreaming of spending a day trackside with Rodger Coleman. Hoping you’re on Ken Zieska’s Christmas list. Waiting for James Henry to give you a ride to Deshler, Nebraska?? We’ll talk to management but won’t make any promises until Andy Ambrose promises to write shorter posts with smaller words but in the meantime here’s a special episode of ViewerMail just for you. So grab yourself a big bowl of shredded manila envelopes, a tall glass of washer fluid and enjoy !!
Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_-_82.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST |