a ModelersLife

On this podcast we re-connect with an old friend of the AML Nation who’s taking his career to new heights. If you’ve never listened to the “Roundhouse” podcast we highly recommend it (https://theroundhousepodcast.com) Since the last time we chatted, Nick’s company Streamliner Media (https://streamlinermedia.com) and his podcast have soared to new heights making videos of all sorts while primarily focusing on railroads.

His East Broad Top introduction video is of the highest quality and is an excellent example of what Nick is capable of. Whether he’s interviewing Cheryl who created her latest musical album while riding an Amtrak train or producing a video for the aerospace industry, Nick is always on the move from one project to another. We had fun recording this podcast, look forward to chatting with Nick again and we’re sure you’ll feel the same way.

Direct download: Waz_Happenin_with_Nick_Ozorak.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST