Mon, 24 October 2022
What do Broadway musicals and model railroad operations have in common?? Well not much unless you happen to live in New York city and make your living working on the “Great White Way.” Stephen Atwell has been part of the AML Nation since the early 70’s but only recently had the opportunity to get involved in the operations scene in and around the “Big Apple.” This is a fun podcast as we learn about Stephen’s first opportunity to operate on Phil Monat’s layout and travelling just a little further west into beautiful New Jersey to operate on Tony Koester’s “Nickel Plate” railroad. While at the same time being the resident electrical guru on Broadway’s next musical hit show, “K-POP.” Get comfortable in an aisle seat and follow along with the program as we find out Waz’ Happenin’ with our next guest.
Direct download: Waz_Happenin_with_Stephen_Atwell.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EDT |