Mon, 31 August 2020
There's nothing better than finding an opportunity in the basement to expand your current layout and that’s what happened to the AML’s very own how to guy Ron Marsh. After his layout demolition video turned out to be so popular we decided to find out what the future holds for Ron’s Trains N’ Things. Along with co-host Scott Thornton we try to find out which of the “Things” will be part of this exciting new adventure. So grab your favorite sledge hammer, dump out the shop-vac and get ready for a fun filled ninety minutes of railroading and stories about Scott’s pet hamsters.
Direct download: Rons_Trains_N_Things-Layout_Rebuild.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EDT |
Mon, 24 August 2020
Here’s another exciting round of the Kelly Questions which means it’s time for another contestant to strap on the tin foil helmet and tell us their inner most thoughts on a wide variety of model railroad subjects. These questions have been hermetically sealed in a reasonably clean mayonnaise jar and stored in a specially constructed laser cut box under Tom Jacobs Reading “Crossline” layout. NO ONE… I REPEAT… NO ONE, knows the contents of these questions except for the modeler simply known as “Kelly!!” After a quick trip to the hospital the contestant is at home and resting quietly. Please enjoy the podcast.
Direct download: Kelly_Questions_Round_62__Tim_Garland.mp3
Category:Model Railroading -- posted at: 2:30am EDT |
Mon, 17 August 2020
Bob’s Track is probably the most comprehensive track planning website on the internet with almost a hundred different plans to view, enjoy and get ideas from. Bob simply takes pleasure from trying to replicate the appearance and operations of real railroads as faithfully as possible in miniature while applying this philosophy to his lifelong passion of track planning. Recently Bob entered the world of 3D printing with great success and there’s many items available for purchase listed on his website. He’s lifelong model railroader with a passion for the hobby that’s easily recognizable in this episode. Enjoy.
Direct download: Episode_152__Bob_Sprague.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EDT |
Mon, 10 August 2020
We don’t use the term All-Stars lightly here at the ole’ AML Network but this episode of the “Stars” is truly out of this universe. Everything is covered, Tracy our Official Flight Attendant tells us about learning to identify locomotives using flash cards, Kaylee fills us in on what it’s like to stuff a decoder into a HO-Scale track mobile and finally MRN editor Tony Cook shares some product news. After all that we still find time to discuss the stellar acting career of Charlton Heston and disaster movies of the 70’s. So grab yourself a big bowl of airline pretzels, a steaming hot mug of spilled jet fuel and enjoy !!
Direct download: All-Star_Variety_Hour_25.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EDT |
Mon, 3 August 2020
We here at the ole’ AML headquarters in Busted Knuckle, Kentucky are always looking for an opportunity to broaden our horizons and elevate our cultural standing in the community. Unfortunately we were unable to do that with our next guest but we did discover that being a world class horn player, the Dallas Symphony Orchestra and model railroading goes together like ice cream and brownies. So grab yourself a seat upfront as we discover how classical music and the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad live together under one roof. Enjoy.