Mon, 29 November 2021
It’s an exciting time in the hobby and nothing is more exciting for us down at AML Nation headquarters than Gordy Robinson becoming president of the NMRA. It’s so great to see someone with so much enthusiasm and energy lead this great hobby of ours into the future. As we like to say up here on the forty-eighth floor of the Stewart Sterling building… Model railroading, it’s younger than you think and Gordy’s here to prove it. With some new directors in place, new department heads, a full-scale effort to produce a digital copy of the magazine and a hopper car full of other great ideas, the sky’s the limit for the new NMRA. So, grab yourself a big bowl of old shredded paper membership forms, a steaming hot mug of envelope glue and enjoy !!
Direct download: Waz_Happenin_with_Gordy_Robinson.mp3
Category:Model Railroad, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST |