a ModelersLife

On this episode of a ModelersLife, our friend, the always popular Dave Owens returns to the AML studios to bring us up to date on the latest happenings in NERPM. (Excuse me) As can be expected since last year, the gang of the Northeast/New England Railroad Prototype Modeler‘s Meet, have a closed down another hotel, and have moved on to better digs with the help of the Amherst Railway Society.

Dave of course is once again his fun-loving self, with lots of information about this months this year’s event, plus we discuss all the clinics and after the Evel Overlord screws up again, Ted DiIorio’s name is officially changed to Teddy Dee!! Enjoy.

Direct download: NERPM_-_Excuse_Me.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 1:12pm EST