a ModelersLife

Are you ready for TomStock 2024?? The Queso Cowboy’s Birthday Round Up?? Of course we’ve brought together some of your favorite AML regulars from across the nation to talk about this year’s great events.

We’ll kick off with ceremonial leaving the Evel Overlord behind for Wednesday’s dinner at the Shady Maple, then ride the Reading and Northerns RDC to Jim Thorpe PA. Friday will be Jerry Britton‘s fabulous cheese ball run across Pennsylvania and then finally the great barbecue with and the golden spike ceremony on Queso’s fabulous Reading layout. It’s going to be another fabulous AML gathering and here with all the details is that affable crew you’ve come to know and love. Enjoy!!

Direct download: Fans_of_the_AML_Part_74.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST