a ModelersLife

It’s an all new “All-Star Variety Hour” without much variety. We’ve got just one guest for this show and Daniel Banks is just starting his initial term as the Superintendent of the Central Indiana Division after serving three years as train master. When he’s not busy trying to make the NMEA grow he can be found pursuing his favorite favorite parts of the hobby, building and operations. 

Dan has recently begun a new laser kit business called Wabash Model Works, modeling primarily 1875 Old West. It’s somewhat Disney-fied, much romanticized, just plausible enough to be believable kits and scenes that will draw you in, like a good paperback western full of adventure. There’s plenty of chat with this modeler and a podcast we hope you enjoy.

Direct download: All-Star_Variety_Hour_58.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

What does Harry Potter and railfanning have in common, well nothing really, unless of course you add in an Ohio native named Adam Matthews, railroad preservationist, photographer and model railroader who was inspired by his grandfather, a retired vice superintendent of shipping at US steel in Lorain, Ohio.

We’ve been wanting to interview Adam for quite sometime now, after stumbling across his website “Train Wizard Productions,” a must see for anyone even remotely interested in trains, model railroading and great photography. With more than 150,000 followers on Instagram, Adam is a preservationist heavily involved with the Nickel Plate Historical Society, Mad River and NKP Museum, plus the Fort Wayne Railroad Historical Society. He’s also got a great O-Gauge 3-Rail layout. There’s so much information in this podcast by the time you’re finished you’ll be dizzier than a trout in a blender. Enjoy!!