a ModelersLife

So you've been focussing on clearing up your skin, growing more hair and shrinking that bulging waist line but need to take a break?

Well fear not my friends ViewerMail is here to take your mind off your troubles and add more confusion to your life.

So sit back with a big bowl of sidewalk gum, a tall glass of ice shavings and enjoy!!

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_51.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am EST

It's time once again for our annual state of the hobby address by none other than Joe Fugate the founder and publisher of the popular on line magazine Model Railroad Hobbyist.

The interview focusses on the success of the magazine, the effect that social media and the new digital world is having on the hobby overall. Plus we talk about TOMA "The One Module Approach" as well as a wide variety of other topics.

Joe also announces that his original Siskyou Line are coming to an end only to be replaced with a new and better Siskyou Line 2.

Enjoy !!

Direct download: Episode_65__Joe_Fugate.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Let's not kid ourselves, you've been dying to hear another episode of the Kelly Questions and you've been dying to hear more from our very own Uncle Larry.

Well it doesn't get any better than this, Uncle Larry answers the Kelly questions.

So sit back with your favourite sniffing glue, a bottle of warm cider, a box of chocolates from last year's employee Christmas party and enjoy !!

Direct download: Kelly_Questions_-_Round_16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Do you like trolleys, would you like to meet a guy that loves trolleys?? Well you’re in luck, Episode 64 features Kevin Marks, a man who’s love of trolleys may be second to none.

Kevin is a big fan of the Chicago, North shore and Milwaukee, also known as the North Shore line on the western shore of Lake Michigan... Well now I'm confused. 

We cover a wide range of topics and discover Kevin’s love of track work and fine dining.

Enjoy !!

Direct download: Episode_64__Kevin_Marks.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:37pm EST

Convinced your donation of a glass of water to the local swimming team was enough.

Convinced dolphins are so smart that within a couple of weeks captivity they can train humans to stand at the side of a pool and throw fish at them.

Convinced you’re great at multi-tasking because you can procrastinate and be unproductive at the same time.

Convinced you’ll be happier after listening to ViewerMail Flight #50. Well, 3 out of 4 ain’t bad.

Sit back with a warm glass of dishwasher fluid, a bowl of tomato crumbs and enjoy !!

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_50.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Roundtable discussion about the future of the NMRA featuring Vice-President Clark Kooning.

All sorts of topics are discussed from a better fee structure to the NMRA YouTube channel.

The NMRA could embrace modern digital marketing and information distribution techniques... And on and on.

Enjoy !!

Direct download: RoundTable_Number_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am EST

George's Trains located in Toronto, Canada is one of the largest and oldest established stores for model trains in North America.

A family business, George's Trains is based on traditional values of honesty, fairness, and integrity.

George Olieux began tinkering with and repairing model trains for others just after WWlI and opened George’s Trains in 1962 with a style of doing business based on common sense, customer service, and honesty.

George's sons, Richard and John, entered the business in 1981 and 1984 respectively, and carry on the George's Trains legacy today.



Direct download: Episode_63__Georges_Trains.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am EST

It's time once again for some words of wisdom from our very own Uncle Larry sitting in his underwear, eating Cheetos from his favorite beanbag chair.

Larry tries to explain splain technology to Lionel with a little help from his friends.

Good luck Larry, you're gonna need it. 

Direct download: Uncle_Larry_Show_5.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:33pm EST

Once again it’s time for ViewerMail whether you need it or not. Just like the stale soda you found in your car… You know it won’t be very good but you drank it anyway.

So sit back with an ice cold mug of glass cleaner, a bowl of dried orange peels and enjoy !!

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_49.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:53pm EST

What can you say about a man that's had a lifelong interest in trains spent have his life as a fireman and has lived in more places than a traveling salesman. Not much but if you listen to Episode 62 I'm sure you'll be just as fascinated by this story as we were.

Enjoy !!

Direct download: Episode_62__Bruce_Kelly_Part_Deux.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:31am EST

Convinced that chocolate is the salad because Coco comes from a plant. You’ve decided the only way to protect those six pack abs is with a layer of fat. The long distance relationship you've been having with your fridge is to difficult so you’ve moved it to your bedroom. You're sitting at the corner of cool and awesome waiting for the bus of life to go by. Still haven’t found a way to say bubbles with a mouth full of pizza.

Well not to worry that fearsome threesome, those doers of good, the boys from down the street are here with another episode of ViewerMail. So sit back with some ice cold windshield washer fluid, a big bag of toast crumbs and enjoy !!

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_48.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:53am EST

Once again it's November which means it’s Marty McGuirk month except we didn't interview Marty and changed to Bruce Kelly month.

This is part one of the 26 part Bruce Kelly trilogy. Bruce is a model railroader who is pursuing all sorts of activity in the hobby after retiring from a 30 year career with the fire department in Westport, Connecticut. He’s just one of those guys that the longer you talk to him the more interesting he becomes.

We’re sure you'll enjoy listening to us listening to Bruce.

Direct download: Episode_61__Bruce_Kelly_Part_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:18am EST

It's time for another exciting version of, “What's on the Workbench,” featuring Mike Deverell. If you’re pinned down behind enemy lines and you see a Huey helicopter coming across the horizon to the rescue it's more than likely piloted by Mike.

Mike has a very successful series of videos on YouTube about his Colorado and Front Range Railroad located in the large building behind us home in Gig Harbour Washington. During the 2010 census the population of this beautiful spot was declared to be 7,126.

Mike discusses a variety of topics while all the while being the perfect host.

Direct download: Whats_on_the_Workbench_5.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:11pm EST

It's time once again for another exciting round of the Kelly questions featuring our very own Andy Dorsch. As many of you know who follow Andy closely, he's from Ripon, Wisconsin. (Population 7,733) He models in a HO and he's currently working on the 87th version of his present layout.
Just after the birth of his son Henry, Andy announced his retirement from major league baseball but maintains his love of the Milwaukee Brewers and recently declared himself as a lifelong fan of the Toronto Maple Leafs.
So sit back with a warm glass of watered down orange juice, a brown banana and enjoy !!
Direct download: Kelly_Questions_-_Round_15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:05pm EST

Once again it's time for our voluminous ViewerMail and this time we've tried something a little different by including Superfan Andy Dorsch. Number one in your hearts and number 11 in your program.

It's World Series time and for all you baseball fans out there a little known fact… Andy played semi-pro ball and in his heyday was known as "Straight Ball" Dorsch.

So get yourself a warm glass of rusty water, a big bag of soggy rice chips and enjoy!!

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_47.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:13am EST

Part two of the 37 part Blaine Hadfield trilogy is just as interesting as the first. It seems like it was put together with duct tape and binder twine but in the end Blaine saves the day and we ended up with another great episode.

Enjoy !!

Direct download: Episode_60__Blaine_Hadfield_-_Part_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:12am EST

Here’s a roundtable discussion about remarks made in the Publisher’s Musing of the August edition of Model Railroad Hobbyist.

This discussion was initiated by our very own Young Gun, Shane Mason. You may agree or disagree but we hope you enjoy the conversation regardless.

Direct download: Roundtable_-_NMRA.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am EST

Once again it’s time for ViewerMail where we answer readers e-mails with little or no regard for our own safety, helping you out with life’s little problems like what to do if you’ve arrived late for work?? No problem, just leave early.

So grab a tall glass of standing water, a plate full of warm stove ash and enjoy !!

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_46.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00pm EST

ExactRail is dedicated to creating fine-scale replicas. Blaine is in charge of product development and ExactRail’s replicas are some of the most acclaimed models.

His story of how he ended up at ExactRail is one I’m sure you’ll find interesting. Blaine loves to talk trains and is happy to share his knowledge.

Enjoy !!

Direct download: Episode_59__Blaine_Hadfield.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Once again it’s time for another voluminous episode of ViewerMail.

Don’t think there’s time to listen because you’re getting a new dishwasher installed.

Pretty sure the e-mail you sent isn’t readable because Martians sucked all the ink off it. Your itchy teeth will make it hard to concentrate. 

Fear not, our fearless group of mail experts will surely make more than your teeth itch.

So sit back with a tall glass of cool sea water, a bowl of splintered wood and enjoy.


Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_45.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:25pm EST

Jeremy and Kristen Dummler from Wauconda, Illinois are a husband and wife modelrailroading team.

Jeremy has railroading roots from his dad, grandparents and great grandparents. Several years ago he began modelling the Yosemite Valley Railroad while Kirsten whose dad was a model railroader has interests in railroading from the eastern United States.

These two make a great pair and you’re going like their story.


Direct download: Episode_58__Jeremy_and_Kristen_Dummler.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:47am EST

So you thought you done with ViewerMail Flight #44, well guess again, due to some administrative errors our faithful mail carriers had to return to the scene of the crime.

But you’re still wondering why doesn’t stick to the inside of the bottle.

Still can’t decide if it’s wrong for a vegetarian to eat animal crackers?

Can’t figure out why abbreviation is such a long word?

Sit down with a glass of Floquil’s Railbox Yellow, some moldy grass and enjoy.


Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_44B.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am EST

As another flight backs away from the terminal and we prepare for take off whether you like it or not... This Boeing is going!!

It will really boost our ego if you pretend to like it.

If we are forced to make a water landing think of the great stories you'll have to tell.

So sit back with a warn glass of windshield washer fluid, a bag of stale peanuts and enjoy!!

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_44.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:32am EST

The YouTube Model Builders is a team of individuals sharing their knowledge about all things Model Railroading. 
It’s a non-profit group that includes a monthly live show called "YouTube Model Builders LIVE!," a free eMag, "YouTube Model Builders eMag" and "YouTube Model Builders Presentations". 
They like to assist new modelers and discuss the hobby while trying to inspire individuals by relaying their own experiences through YouTube. 

The eMag is produced bi-Monthly primarily to promote their YouTube Channels. The magazine is produced as a high quality ad free publication at no cost to you, the viewing public.

Enjoy !!

Direct download: Episode_57__JD__the_YouTube_Model_Builders.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:20am EST

Convinced you’re a potato because you both have skin.

Almost positive you were a pillow in another life.

You’re only one salty stick away from brilliance.

Well fear not my friends it’s time once again for ViewerMail. So sit back with a dried guava roll, a warm cup of vodka and enjoy !!

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_43.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Peter Borcherds is a British modeler from South Africa modeling Rochelle, Illinois in the United States midwest… Yeah we’re confused to. Truth of the matter is Peter is an outstanding N-Scale modeler with a passion for intermodal railroading. He’s that also one of those guys who can figure out electronics and all those other do-dads that make the lights go on and off.

A regular contributor to the ModelersLife Facebook page and we suspect an agent for MI-6. Peter is an excellent photographer having spent many days photographing trains in and around Rochelle.

We’re you’ll enjoy listening to this interview as much as we did doing it.

Direct download: Episode_56__Peter_Borcherds.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:14am EST

Still waiting for the wonder kids in Silicon Valley to invent downloadable salsa?? You’ve decided sleep is just a time machine to breakfast. Convinced calories are tiny creatures that live in your closet and sew your clothes tighter at night.

Well fear not friends once again it’s time waste another hour of your life listening to a podcast that makes no sense.

So sit back with your feet in a big bucket of warm motor oil and enjoy.

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_42.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:53pm EST

My name is Shane Mason is a very active model railroader, railman and a member of the Heartland N-trak of Kansas City. Shane posts all kinds of videos on his YouTube at “thebrakeman17”.

Shane has a thriving business installing DCC decoders in N-Scale locomotives. He’s only in his early twenties and living proof that the hobby is not dying.

So sit with big glass coconut juice, a bowl of chocolate covered cat hair and enjoy.

Direct download: Episode_55__Shane_Mason.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Tried of visiting the drive thru at McDonald’s in your cardboard car ?? You’re lonely because you and your imaginery friend Mickey have had a falling out ?? Still convinced the 40th president of the United States was Chuck Norris ??

Well fear not another episode of ViewerMail has arrived just in time. So sit back with a tall glass of pineapple cider, a big bowl of sour dill pickles and enjoy.

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_41.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:58am EST

Got some time to waste? Well who better to do it with than Uncle Larry.

You know him, you love him… He comes to every wedding… It’s the short bald guy that sweats.

So sit back with a refreshing glass of used motor oil, a bowl of lip balm and enjoy.

Direct download: the_Uncle_Larry_Show_4.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:05am EST

Andy Dixson is our first interview from over home. (Lionel’s mother was English and she always referred to Britain as, over ome.) Andy was first introduced to the AML crew through all of his various posts and photos of British Steam.

As a young boy, Andy played a major role in the development of the Thomas the Tank Engine series.

He’s a graduate from the school of life, Former heavy metal head banger and currently building a three level layout featuring big American diesels.

When he’s not working on the layout or racing around the Welsh countryside photographing steam locomotives, you’ll often find him camping with his wife Catherine and son Issac.

Direct download: Episode_54__Andy_Dixson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:46am EST

You finished giving your unicorn a bath, cleaned out all the bunny cages, cleaned up the basement, disposed of the body and you’re not sure what to do next.

Well you’re in luck, it’s time once again for ViewerMail.

So sit back with a nice cold glass of cider, a big bowl of relish, some mayonnaise and enjoy.

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_40.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:39am EST


This episode is about the fascinating journey of one man in the hobby of model railroading. Bill Brillinger has worked in several different facets of modeling. This has lead to a very successful company called Precision Design offering laser kits, custom decals and many other interesting products.

This is a great story. Enjoy !!

Direct download: Episode_53__Bill_Brillenger.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:24am EST

Hang on to your hats kids it’s another Lincoln Homer… Well actually it’s ViewerMail but it’s still a grand slam.

Still trying to recover from a failed attempt at ordering a taco in McDonald’s. Sad that your over ripe banana costume is constantly being confused as a giant pepperoni.

Well fear not my friends all hope is lost and there’s nothing left to do but listen to the boys from the AML Network.

So sit back with a lovely glass sour goats milk, moldy cheese curds and enjoy.

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_39.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:30am EST

It's SuperFan number 9 Wayne Mollohan, a resident of Rhode Island it was difficult to make the conversation last longer than 10 minutes.

All kidding aside Wayne was a great guest with lots of interesting tales about the Providence Northern Model Railroad Club.

Enjoy !!

Direct download: Episode_52__Wayne_Mollohan.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:16am EST

Frustrated trying to count all of the hairs on your head??

Disappointed because you still can’t say the letter “P” without moving your lips.

Well here at the ole’ AML Network we have just the remedy to put the spring back in your step and a smile on your face. It’s another edition of ViewerMail but be prepared it still just as boring as the others.

So sit back with some apple cider from the angry orchard, a big bag of soggy pretzels and enjoy.

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_38.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:57pm EST

Ron Klaiss is the owner of the Mine Mount & Seaside Railroad is an HO/HOn3 logging and coal mining railroad based in the Appalachian mountains.

Ron is an excellent modeler (with one L) so there's plenty of craftsman style structures on the railroad, lots of backwoods scenery, tons of wooden trestles, a shipyard scene, small towns, a small engine service area...etc.

You can find out lots more about the layout on his YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/myowngod2

Ron lives in New Jersey with his son Aidan and his wife Michelle.

Enjoy !!

Direct download: Episode_51__Ron_Klaiss.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am EST

It’s time for a visit with long time AML listener Toni Ryan… We stop by unannounced to find out what Toni is working on and discover he’s making great progress on his N-scale Free-Mo modules.

Find a nice cozy spot while you relax with a wobbly pop and pretzels.

Let the fun begin.

Direct download: Whats_on_the_Workbench_4.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:46pm EST

It’s time for another round of Kelly questions and this time Tom Jacobs trys to get a respectable score.

Check out his website here: http://www.readingmodeler.com/

Enjoy !!

Direct download: Kelly_Questions_-_Round_14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:28am EST

Still puzzled about why you never see water and ships in the same bottle?? You’ve become so proficient at time saving techniques you have nothing to do.

Well fear not my friend just when you thought you’d seen and done it all another edition of ViewerMail has been delivered to your doorstep.

So sit back in your favorite beanbag chair with a big bag waffle cut potato chips, a fresh bowl of white lithium grease and a cool refreshing soda while we waste more of your valuable time.

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_37.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am EST

We were hoping to think of some sort of profound introduction to the latest episode of the Uncle Larry Show but unfortunately that's not going to happen, so do your best not to fall asleep during the show.

Direct download: the_Uncle_Larry_Show_3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:18am EST

When James started his YouTube channel, it was primarily to show his cousin the progress he’d made on his layout and never thought it would turn into a major model railroading video resource one day.

His channel is primarily a variety of info about model railroading in HO scale. He responds to questions without imposing his own modeling practices on viewers, he simply offers up his experiences and techniques as something that may be used by anyone.

His multi video series "How to build a layout from start to finish," proved to be very popular. His relaxed descriptive approach to modeling will assist those new and old in this great hobby.


Direct download: Episode_50__James_Wright.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Freaked out because you’ve discovered your neighbor lives right next door to you. Concerned that your purple cow named Phillip is getting old.

You my friend need a distraction and we have just the solution, another edition of ViewerMail. By the time you’re finished listening, all your troubles will seem like long lost friends.

So sit back with a frosty cold mug of A&W root beer, a fresh bag of pork rinds and let us make you feel like some week old danish.

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_36.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am EST

Episode 49 features Andy Dorsch a regular contributor to ViewerMail and all round good guy. His Mascoutin Valley Railroad is a proto-freelanced HO Scale model railroad set in the early 1980's based in Wisconsin and the upper peninsula of Michigan. 

Andy’s love of railroading was inspired by the Chicago and Northwestern Marshline Branch Line that ran behind his parents house !! Everytime a train passed Andy could be seen in the backyard running alongside in his underwear.

When it comes to the world of model railroading Mike Confalone and his Allagash Railway is a favorite. To find out more about Andy’s railroad check his blog at:


Direct download: Episode_49__Andy_Dorsch.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:58am EST

Can’t decide what to do with your time… Neither can we… So why not waste it listening to us answering more of our voluminous viewer mail.

Grab yourself a warm glass of ice cream, a bowl orange peels and just imagine how much simpler your life would be if you’d never found us.

And remember… If your parachute doesn't deploy don't worry, you have the rest of your life to fix it.

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_35.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

We made to 100,000 downloads. Thanks to everyone who’s participated and took the time to listen to our little podcast.

So sit back with an ice cold glass of swamp water, a bag of stale pretzels and enjoy this special podcast celebrating the achievement.

Direct download: 100000_DownLoads_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am EST

Tired of duct taping yourself to the front swing because you’re afraid of being carried off by a swarm of rabid sparrows… Well just grab Toto, come on inside and listen to another exciting session of the Kelly Questions.

This time Rick Green takes a try at the questions and proudly falls short of saying anything interesting. We think it’s a great show and Rick is a great contestant.


Direct download: Kelly_Questions_-_Round_13.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:40am EST

Tim Harrison is the caretaker of the Model Railcast Show a weekly podcast with an irregular schedule… He’s also an avid Dr. Who fan, father of six and all around good guy. Tim blames Craig Bisgeier for any inconsistencies that may occur during production of MRCS.

This episode was originally recorded in July of 2015 and was actually intended to be Tim interviewing the AML crew but things quickly got out of hand, again due in part to poor organizational skills on Craig’s part.

We also recorded the show thinking someday it might be entertaining enough to release it as a stand alone episode on the AML network. That day never arrived but we decided to release it anyway.

So for those of you who’ve never heard it before, enjoy and for those that have already heard it… Well, uhhh… Listen again. J

Direct download: Episode_48__Timothy_Harrison.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Having a bit of a lazy day, sitting in your underwear looking for jobs online and wondering why your boss looks so angry.

Confused by the bank teller that hands you normal sized bills after you asked for large ones.

Well fear not friends, ViewerMail is here once again to confuse you, amuse you and make your time on spaceship earth seem like a complete waste.

So sit back with a cold glass of gravy and some month old bananas and enjoy.

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_34.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

What would you get if you mixed a Union Pacific locomotive engineer and avid model railroader together?? You’d end up with an interesting fellow named Tom Gasior.

Tom’s story is fascinating to say the least and with plenty of stories about how he became an engineer and real railroading with the UP as well talking about his own Splitrock Mining Company Railroad. 

Enjoy !!

Direct download: Episode_47__Tom_Gasior.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Tired of transferring the dishes from the sink to the dishwasher just so you can gain access to the garbage disposal. Well fear not we have a better way to waste your time.

It's the Uncle Larry Show... Good luck Skippy you're gonna need it.

Direct download: the_Uncle_Larry_Show_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:32pm EST

What's that you say… You’re tried of laying on the floor all dressed in brown pretending to be a potato… Well fear not kids, we’ve got something that will make that boredom seem like a long lost friend.

It’s time once again for the Kelly Questions… That’s right what better way to waste a half hour of your life than right here with us.

So sit back with a giant mug of luke warm salt water, an open can of Pringles you found under the bed and enjoy !!


Direct download: Kelly_Questions_-_Round_12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Well here it is, another ViewerMail, completely unedited and when/if manage you to get all the way to the end without doing harm to yourself, you’ll be asking… Seriously, this is a show??

This time we really out did ourselves… We chose the road less travelled and we’re completely lost. So sit back with a fresh can of bubbly ginger ale, a big bag of lettuce and let us irritate you to sleep. Night, night!!

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_33.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:05am EST

Tom Jacobs, the subject of our 46th episode, is a descended from several generations of Reading Company employees and like most of us, he’s had a keen interest in trains since childhood. Tom has also served as President of the Reading Hisitorical Society from 1998-2002, a non-profit corporation dedicated to preserving the history and heritage of the Reading Company.

Tom has been interested in trains since he first began riding the RDC cars from Reading, Pennsylvania to Philadelphia with his grandmother and the rest is history. He recently began construction of a 20’x 36’ layout in it’s own dedicated building and was gracious enough join him on this epic adventure.

So sit back with an ice cold long neck bottle of Yuengling beer, a giant bowl of microwaved marshmallows and enjoy.

Direct download: Episode_46__Tom_Jacobs.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:33pm EST

It's time for another edition of ViewerMail and if your mail has been mis-delivered, we’ll open it anyways. Just to find out what you're all about and what bills you haven't paid.

So sit back with a big glass of warm dishwater and some stale apple pie while we call Pizza Hut to get the number for Domino’s

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_32.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:08am EST

Join us as we travel to Rogue River, Oregon to visit with Superfan Number #1 and the creator of the Kelly Questions... Bruce Kelly.

Direct download: WorkBench_3_Bruce_Kelly.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:25am EST

Rick Green, is a Canadian comedian, satirist, writer and model railroader extraordinaire. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Rick personnally for more than 20 years but I’ve known of Rick for more than 30 years. He’s best known for his role as “Bill” on the Red Green Show which ran for eleven seasons.

In 2009 Green wrote and directed the documentary about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in adults, entitled ADD & Loving It!!

On February 3, 2015, he was inducted into the Order of Ontario, the province's highest civilian honour.

But enough about me… It’s time to sit back with a big glass of luke warm ice tea and cold bowl of macroni and cheese while you listen episode of a ModelersLife.

Direct download: Episode_45__Rick_Green.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:08pm EST

So what is the Uncle Larry Show… We’re not sure but when he started talking about an electric fly swatter it sounded like a show.

Take a listen and decide for yourself.

Please keep in mind if at the end you decided you’ve wasted your time we accept no responsibility.

Direct download: the_Uncle_Larry_Show_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:37pm EST

Yup, it’s time…Once again we correspond with the fans. Why?? Because at least one of us can read.

This time we get some special help from our very own special Uncle Larry. Some viewers couldn’t remember what they wanted to say and we discuss why N scale is so tiny.

Enjoy and we’ll put you on list !!

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_31.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:02am EST

Episode 44: Barry Silverthorn and videographer extraordinaire, travelled to China witnessing first hand, model railroad manufacturing.

Imagine lugging enough cameras and equipment to make a 90 minute documentary halfway around the world to a place so foreign you can’t have kids until the government lets you.

It’s a fascinating story and one we felt had to be told.

Direct download: Episode_44__Barry_Silverthorn.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

One again it's time to answer viewer mail, when you’re done you’ll smile and think to yourself… Well that’s an hour of my life I'll never get back. Listening to Jim, Lionel and the mailroom boy Bruce answering viewer mail is similar to having a car door slammed on your hand… There’s lots of pain and the feeling lasts for days. So relax with a warm beer and some stale Ju-Jubes as we sift through all our mail and try to make sense of world events. 

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_30.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:44am EST

Episode 43: Sara Kelly – This is the third time we’ve talked to Sara keeping up with the progress on her Model Citizens movie. A journalism professor with more than two decades experience has been shooting the movie for some time and is now hard at work on post production.

We talk with about her experience and what happens next, so sit back with a large mug of warm apple cider and enjoy.

Direct download: Episode_43__Sara_Kelly.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:47pm EST

Sick of watching Starsky & Hutch reruns, well fear not, it’s the return of ViewerMail… What’s that you say, “it’s about time.”

We weren’t able to get Huggy Bear but Bruce the Mailboy will be spreading the love once again.

It’s no Honey Boo Boo but that’s why you’re listening. So sit back with a glass of cod liver oil and a block of moldy cheese while your favorite mouth breathers once again deal with chapped lips and dry mouth syndrome.

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_29.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am EST

It’s Episode 42… Time to take your popcorn out of the microwave and learn some new weathering techniques from the man they call Ralphie Boy.

Whether your corn is buttered or unbuttered it matters not because when it comes to weathering your model railroad rolling stock, ya’ gotta make it pop.

So sit back with glass of cabernet and a bag of barbeque pork rinds and enjoy.

Direct download: Episode_42__Ralph_Renzetti.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:35am EST

It’s Christmas with the Moore’s, we’ve been wanting to talk with Troy and Bonnie Moore for quite sometime considering they’re the first husband and wife Superfan duo. We found out all sorts of interesting things including their use of smart phones in conjunction with their Digitrax system.

As an added bonus we talk with Jim Scorse of the NCE Corporation just because.

So sit back with that bag of barbeque chips that’s been sitting open on the counter for the last week and enjoy!!

Direct download: Episode_41__The_Moores.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:21pm EST

What's that you say, you've missed the Kelly Questions... Well fear not, there back and better than ever. This time we test our old friend Ralph (Ralphie Boy) Renzetti and he comes through like a rusted 40 foot box car with wobbly wheels on a forgotten siding.

So sit back with pitcher full of warm beer and enjoy !!

Direct download: Kelly_Questions_-_Round_11.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:10am EST

         It’s time for our annual state of the hobby address with Joe Fugate, editor and publisher of Model Railroad Hobbyist. I was sure we’d been doing this for several years but Joe was convinced it was only our second time.

         We covered all sorts of interesting subjects and Joe was an excellent guest as always.

         So sit back with a steaming hot bowl of cookie dough ice cream and enjoy Episode #40, Joe Fugate.

Direct download: Episode_40__Joe_Fugate.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Barry Silverthorn videographer extraordinaire invites us into his home, theme song and all. He tells us how to saw completed models in half and explains his workbench gets clutter. Enjoy !!

Direct download: Whats_on_Your_WorkBench____2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:23pm EST

ViewerMail Flight #28 – I can’t for the life of me figure out what the American Motors Corporation was thinking when they designed the Pacer. But nevertheless here’s another valuable AML show as we once again motivate modelers all over the globe to work on their layouts.

ViewerMail is similar to the Swedish delicacy Surstromming, a Baltic Sea herring fermented with just enough salt used to prevent it from rotting. When opened it releases such a pungent aroma that it usually needs to be eaten outside. Sounds about right.

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_28.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:32am EST

This episode we talk with Shane Wilson, who's not to be confused with Shane Murphy “The Cosmic Cowboy.”

Mr. Wilson is president of ScaleTrains.com, a brand new company in the model railroad hobby industry. Learn all about what it takes to start from scratch, while dealing with manufacturers in China… It’s fascinating.

So sit back, open up a fresh tin of Spam and prepare to be enlightened.

Direct download: Episode_39__Shane_Wilson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:58pm EST

Jim talks about the first two shows he attended with his new employer JMD Plastics and we discuss all the fun we had at Milwaukee's TrainFest. we also discuss meeting Chris Atkins from Texas and visiting the North American Prototype Modelers (NAPM) layout.

Sit back with a big steaming hot bowl of Roasted Root Vegetable soup and enjoy !!

Direct download: Jim_Rindt_UpDate-December_1st-2015.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:45pm EST

Bruce the Mailboy wants to be a Master Model Railroader and Miles is convinced he can do it. So listen in while the secrets of being an MMR are unveiled right before your eyes.

Direct download: Miles_Hale_-_Master_Model_Railroader.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:36pm EST

The United States Postal Service can trace it’s roots back to 1775 when Benjamin Franklin was appointed the first Postmaster General and for more than 200 years ran without a hitch until it began handling all of the ModelersLife correspondence. Often referred to as a gooey mess buy by today’s mail service, the AML Network as managed to bring a well run efficient operation to a mere standstill.

So sit back with your favorite hot beverage and a big bag of barbeque chips as the boys try to solve the problems of the world.

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_27.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:19am EST

Hey everybody, it's time for part two of the 93 part Miles Hale trilogy. In this episode we learn about his model railroad business and his desire to give back to the hobby. So sit down with a large mug steaming hot homemade squash soup and enjoy.

Direct download: Episode_38__Miles_Hale_Part_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:48pm EST

It’s time for another Jim Rindt update as his first train show approaches with his new employer JMD Plastics. Jim discusses all things Jim and the preparations for live shows. Enjoy!!

Direct download: Jim_Rindt_Update-November_10th-2015.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:40pm EST

It's time once again for our intrepid hosts to answer ViewerMail even though they have know idea how to use a letter opener. Ever wonder what's it like to milk a goat well you won't find that out here but you be able to listen to a couple of mouth breathers wade through the latest mail.

So sit back with a couple of cheese tea biscuits and a warm glass of milk and enjoy the action.

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_26.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:53pm EST

Welcome to Episode 37, I knew Miles would be an entertaining guest before I even asked him and wasn't disappointed and neither will you be. In the first part of the 87 part trilogy Miles describes his long journey to becoming a layout builder. This interesting stuff and best enjoyed while munching on a burrito. Have fun !!!

Direct download: Episode_37__Miles_Hale_Part_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:25am EST

It gets closer and closer until Jim's first train show in Minnesota with JMD Plastics. Preparations continue and Jim describes how he tries to buy everything before it gets out the door.

Direct download: Jim_Rindt_Update-October_31st-2015.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:01pm EST

Ever wonder who these folks are that create some of the great model railroading YouTube videos out there. Well here's your chance to meet one of the best. Luke Towan from Australia has only been in the hobby a few short years and is already starting to make an impression.

Enjoy !! 

Direct download: Episode_36__Luke_Towan.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:09am EST

Our first Jim Rindt update was so popular we decided to give it another try. Jim talks about building cabinets and getting ready for upcoming shows. He also manages to pronounce Minnesota correctly.

Direct download: Jim_Rindt_Update_Oct_9th-2015.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:18am EST

Ever wonder what it's like to spend your Saturdays helping to restore a steam locomotive, live in Alaska, plan your dream model railroad and drive an 80,000 pound bobsled while admiring the northern lights?? Well here's your chance to find out as we discuss all of this and more with former F1 ace Stewart Stirling.

Stirling was not keen on us calling him Steve but he was more than happy to share all the details of his life in Alaska over the last 40+ years.

So sit back in your favorite easy chair with some crispy bacon, the beverage of your choice and enjoy the show.

Direct download: Episode_35__Stewart_Stirling_3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:44am EST

Hey kids, know what time it is ?? That’s right it’s ViewerMail time, as refreshing as a frosty mug of root beer.

So sit back with a big plate of nachos, processed cheese and napkins to wipe the stains off your shirt. Please enjoy the show but try to avoid pizza with pineapple slices.

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_25.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:45pm EST

A new series entitled, "What's on Your WorkBench??" and our first victim... Err... I mean guest is Larry Eggering an electronics genius from Jacksonville, Florida. 

Larry enjoys long walks on the beach, sunsets and desires peace for all mankind.

Enjoy !!

Direct download: WorkBench_1__Larry_Eggering.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:45pm EST

Episode 34: Something a little different we interview our very own Jim Rindt who recently took a trip to Durango, Colorado home of the SoundTraxx.

Jim took a course on to install these fine decoders and ride the Durango and Silverton. We here at AML world Headquarters were especially proud of the fact Jim made the entire round trip from his home in Wisconsin without losing one single sock.

Direct download: Episode_34__James_T._Rindt.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:58pm EST

Jim has started a new job in the model railroad industry and we decided it would be fun to follow along and get regular updates. So here it is the first ever "Jim Rindt Update."

Enjoy !!

Direct download: Jim_Rindt_Update_-_Sept._15th_2015.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:48pm EST

Tom Barbalet decided to try his luck at the Kelly Questions. We were fortunate enough to find and about Ninja pj's and who's DNA he has in his home. He fixes more than he breaks and has plans. He's one of those community organizers types and managed to leave our very own Jim Rindt speechless on more than one occasion.


Direct download: Kelly_Questions_-_Round_10.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:07pm EST

Once again it’s time for ViewerMail… Those lovable mouth-breathers that make you squint when they talk. The kind of fellows who'll have you asking yourself… Did I hear that right??

You just never know what you’ll be forced to listen to but after this edition of ViewerMail is over you’ll probably realize that whatever these guys have to say... Could probably wait till there smarter.

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_24.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:56pm EST

Shane Brother Shane... The Cosmic Cowboy. Ever wonder what it's like to meet a model railroader that doesn't sit still. Well now's your chance. We learned about Shane from Chris Atkins the star of Episode 23, he'd purchase a Texas & Pacific section house from Shane on a piece of property that just happened to have enough room left over for a house. 

Shane is one of the most interesting people you'll meet and his enthusiaum for the hobby is infectious. So we hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did doing it !!

Direct download: Episode_33__Shane_Murphy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:41pm EST

Here it is, the one you’ve been waiting for… It’s the final episode of the 157 part Smokin’ Joe D’Amato trilogy.  I didn’t think the guy was ever gonna leave, after drinking all our beer and devouring all our snacks (including 2 bags of Ruffles All Dressed potato chips) he’s finally done. 

This episode covers Joe’s position at Micro Trains and we learn all about N-Scale. Plus some thoughts on Z-Scale.

So sit back and relax… I’d offer you some refreshments but…

Direct download: Smokin_Joe_DAmato_Part_4.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:14am EST

A hard hitting in depth documentary about what else Superfan #1 Bruce Kelly does when he’s not listening to ModelersLife.

Direct download: Bruce_Kelly_Listens_to_Other_Podcasts___.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:11am EST

It's Episode 3 of the 118 part Smokin' Joe D'Amato trilogy. In this exciting episode we follow Joe back to Florida where he immediately realizes he's made a mistake shortly after crossing the Alabama-Florida border. He spends the next decade revamping the world renowned Disney World as well helping all of mankind.

So sit back, relax and kick your feet up as we travel the adventure better known as Smokin' Joe D'Amato's life.

Direct download: Episode_31_Smokin_Joe_DAmato_Part_3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:48am EST


Once again it's time for your favorite mouth breathers to answer ViewerMail. With absolutely no idea what to say, they give advice and heartfelt thoughts to listeners all over the world.

Unfortunately they ran out of time before opening up the phone lines for the much anticipated discussion about the Oxford Comma which has some very vocal proponents. Some folks staunchly oppose the use of the Oxford Comma. This would no doubt make for great discussion and we'll hopefully reschedule for a future date.


Direct download: ViewerMail_23.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:44pm EST

Here it is Smokin' Joe D'Amato Part Deux... This story justs gets better and better. We travel through the 80's with Joe and discover more and more how he became one of the best model builders in the country.  Fortunately Lionel doesn't talk to much so it's a great interview.

Direct download: Smokin_Joe_DAmato_Part_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:03pm EST

Well here it is, what you've been waiting for all these long weeks, another edition of ViewerMail. Don't worry this edition of the mail isn't any better than any of the rest. So sit back, relax and don't bother to take notes.

Direct download: ViewerMail_22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:34am EST

This month we start a new series featuring Smokin' Joe D'Amato. I first met Joe through SuperFan #1 Bruce Kelly and the more we talked the more I realized this story had to be told.

So sit back, relax and take a listen to Episode 29... Smokin' Joe D'Amato !!

Direct download: Episode_29__Smokin_Joe_DAmato.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:22pm EST

Well here it is, the final episode of JMRI month and we are privileged to have one of the founders of JMRI, Bob Jacobsen.  It's a great story and Clarke's Burgers in Mountain View, California will now be visited by model railroaders from all over the world.

Also in this episode Lionel offers assistance to Bob with his experiments in dark matter.  So sit back relax and find out how it all began

Direct download: Bob_Jacobsen.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:11am EST

The search continues and this time we pick the brains of Seth Neumann. After purchasing a train set for his wife he was hooked on the hobby. Seth has been involved in all kinds of different aspects within model railroading and is well versed in JMRI.

So sit back, relax and try not to be confused by Lionel's inability to understand anything.

Direct download: JMRI_-_Part_Four.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:15pm EST

Part three in the search for JMRI, this time we talk with Larry Eggering a electronics expert from Jacksonville, Florida and avid JMRI user.

Lionel tries desparately to keep up without much luck but there's much to learn from Larry.

Direct download: JMRI_-_Part_Three.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:58am EST

We made it… 50,000 downloads. We brought together a cast of characters to help us celebrate. Jim and Tim find true love and Tom is in a snarly mood but in the end Barry finally made to bed.

So come help us celebrate !! 

Direct download: 50000_Downloads.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:21pm EST

Part Two of the search for JMRI. This time we talk to Mike Deverell a seasoned modeler and long time user of JMRI. Mike explains all the advantages of using the software and gives us some of the history as well as what we can expect in the future.

Direct download: JMRI_-_Part_Deux.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:08am EST