a ModelersLife

It's the end of Marty McGuirk month. So sad. We decided what better way to end a very successful month on the AML Network with a special edition of the Kelly Questions featuring none other than... Marty McGuirk !!

Direct download: Marty_McGuirk_-_Finished.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:15am EST

The sound quality was a little rough and the viewer mail was a little thin because we forgot to tell people where to send it. But we still manage to entertain ourselves for thirty minutes while checking out some Facebook posts and discussing the Canadian monetary system.

Direct download: November_26th_-_Finished.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:35am EST

This is part two of an extensive interview with Marty McGuirk. We learn about Casey Kasem, what influence the Bee Gees and Debbie Boone had on his modeling. The removal of a second deck from his layout and the fact he was once assigned to the U.S.S. Wisconsin an Iowa class battleship also affectionately known as "Wisky"

Direct download: Marty_McGuirk_Part_2_-_Finished.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:42pm EST

Jim and Lionel celebrate 10,000 downloads in just three and a half months. Super fan Bruce Kelly stops by to discuss his favorite parts of the show.

Direct download: 10000_Downloads_-_Finished.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:56am EST

We answer some more viewer mail because we can. The mailroom boy Bruce joins us for this issue of viewer mail after an extended stay in the basement.

Direct download: Viewer_Mail_7_-_Finished.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:32am EST

Ron decided to try his hand at the Kelly Questions and did okay. We found out about his connections to the mob and his love of the Pennsy railroad.

Direct download: Ron_Klaiss_-_Finished_Large_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:55pm EST

This is an interview i wanted to do right from the beginning. Marty is an old friend who's seen all sides of the hobby as well as spending time in the Navy.

Direct download: 13_Marty_McGuirk_-_Finished.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:24am EST