a ModelersLife

It’s time to get ready once again for the annual AML picnic. When planning such a massive undertaking as this you’ve got to call in your crack staff. Unfortunately we don’t have a cracked staff but we were able to get three of Wisconsin’s most prolific barbecue planners.

We’re ready to go, we’ve got Badger Burgers, Ripon’s finest hot dogs, buns and condiments what else do you need for a great day of train watching in Rochelle Illinois.

Direct download: Rochelle_Picnic_Show.mp3
Category:Model Railroading -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Well we made it, 100 episodes!! What a great journey this has been and it all started with the host of Model Rail Radio, Tom Barbalet so we decided who better to chat with almost four years later but the man himself.

Tom is a great sport and a supporter of the show so what started out as a thirty minute interview ended as an hour and a half conversation. Thanks Tom and it won’t be long until we’re talking to you on episode 200. Enjoy!!

Direct download: Episode_100__Tom_Barbalet.mp3
Category:Model Railroading -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Stop the presses, shout it from the mountain tops, let everyone know at long last it’s here. The final part of twenty-seven part Mike Deverell trilogy. Mike discusses his involvement with NMRA video program and how much he's learned from others and how much he enjoys the connections he’s made through the hobby.

Direct download: Mike_Deverell_Part_4.mp3
Category:Model Railroading -- posted at: 2:12am EST

All the news that is the news is right here at your fingertips thanks to Model Railroad News editor Tony Cook. From Walters to Athearn, Tony has once again travelled the globe searching out just what you need to know to enjoy the hobby to it’s fullest.


Direct download: AML_Product_News_June_8th.mp3
Category:Model Railroading -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Have you ever wondered what would happen if your dad owned a hobby store?? What if you knew a guy who’d been exposed to trains his entire life and still can’t get enough.

Just imagine what a podcast would be like if you interviewed somebody who was a locomotive engineer at the age of 19, is currently a conductor on the California Zephyr, building a live steam railroad around his house, a fantastic N scale layout and a garden railroad all at the same time.

That guy would be Adam Pinales from Utah, another great find for the AML network and a fun interview to listen to. The only advice we can offer is to pay attention because you just don’t know what’s going to be said next. Enjoy!!

Direct download: Episode_99__Adam_Pinales.mp3
Category:Model Railroading -- posted at: 2:30am EST