a ModelersLife

Hey kids, know what time it is ?? That’s right it’s ViewerMail time, as refreshing as a frosty mug of root beer.

So sit back with a big plate of nachos, processed cheese and napkins to wipe the stains off your shirt. Please enjoy the show but try to avoid pizza with pineapple slices.

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_25.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:45pm EST

A new series entitled, "What's on Your WorkBench??" and our first victim... Err... I mean guest is Larry Eggering an electronics genius from Jacksonville, Florida. 

Larry enjoys long walks on the beach, sunsets and desires peace for all mankind.

Enjoy !!

Direct download: WorkBench_1__Larry_Eggering.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:45pm EST

Episode 34: Something a little different we interview our very own Jim Rindt who recently took a trip to Durango, Colorado home of the SoundTraxx.

Jim took a course on to install these fine decoders and ride the Durango and Silverton. We here at AML world Headquarters were especially proud of the fact Jim made the entire round trip from his home in Wisconsin without losing one single sock.

Direct download: Episode_34__James_T._Rindt.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:58pm EST

Jim has started a new job in the model railroad industry and we decided it would be fun to follow along and get regular updates. So here it is the first ever "Jim Rindt Update."

Enjoy !!

Direct download: Jim_Rindt_Update_-_Sept._15th_2015.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:48pm EST

Tom Barbalet decided to try his luck at the Kelly Questions. We were fortunate enough to find and about Ninja pj's and who's DNA he has in his home. He fixes more than he breaks and has plans. He's one of those community organizers types and managed to leave our very own Jim Rindt speechless on more than one occasion.


Direct download: Kelly_Questions_-_Round_10.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:07pm EST

Once again it’s time for ViewerMail… Those lovable mouth-breathers that make you squint when they talk. The kind of fellows who'll have you asking yourself… Did I hear that right??

You just never know what you’ll be forced to listen to but after this edition of ViewerMail is over you’ll probably realize that whatever these guys have to say... Could probably wait till there smarter.

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_24.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:56pm EST

Shane Brother Shane... The Cosmic Cowboy. Ever wonder what it's like to meet a model railroader that doesn't sit still. Well now's your chance. We learned about Shane from Chris Atkins the star of Episode 23, he'd purchase a Texas & Pacific section house from Shane on a piece of property that just happened to have enough room left over for a house. 

Shane is one of the most interesting people you'll meet and his enthusiaum for the hobby is infectious. So we hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did doing it !!

Direct download: Episode_33__Shane_Murphy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:41pm EST

Here it is, the one you’ve been waiting for… It’s the final episode of the 157 part Smokin’ Joe D’Amato trilogy.  I didn’t think the guy was ever gonna leave, after drinking all our beer and devouring all our snacks (including 2 bags of Ruffles All Dressed potato chips) he’s finally done. 

This episode covers Joe’s position at Micro Trains and we learn all about N-Scale. Plus some thoughts on Z-Scale.

So sit back and relax… I’d offer you some refreshments but…

Direct download: Smokin_Joe_DAmato_Part_4.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:14am EST