a ModelersLife

Most people think Shane and Lionel first met in the 1940’s during the height of the big band era but truth of the matter is they really began their relationship on May 27th, 2016.

Did they bump into each other at the Dairy Queen in Liberty, Missouri or were they both standing trackside while rail fanning in Ottumwa, Kansas?? If you don't mind wasting 30 minutes of your life you'll find all the answers you need to know about this tempestuous relationship right here. Enjoy !!

Direct download: Shane_Meets_Lionel.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am EDT

Still can't decide what to wear on that big date? Camouflage just isn't working for you?  Well, fear not!  Just in time for Mother's Day, the AML Spring Collection is here to solve all your fashion needs. Once again you’ll be able to impress friends, family and even co-workers with your uncanny fashion sense.

Direct download: The_Tee-Shirt_Show.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:32pm EDT

It’s the second installment of Green Bay month and it’s S scale or nothing according to Mike. Once again not far from the frozen tundra of Lambeau Field we discover model railroading is alive and well in Lombardi country.

His Dad worked for the Milwaukee Road, Escanaba & Lake Superior and they both worked for the Wisconsin Central. We also discover there’s more to S scale than just American Flyer. Enjoy !!!

Direct download: Episode_74__Mike_Ostertag.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am EDT

This show has nothing to do with model railroading and everything to do with hockey. Shane ”the Young Gun” and Lionel like to talk and they like to talk about hockey. So sit back with a tall glass of warm ice shavings, a bowl of old hockey tape and enjoy!!!

Direct download: Tape_2_Tape_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:10pm EDT

Do you wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat trying to figure out what CV 29 is?? What if you want a train to run in the opposite direction on CV 29… Make it an odd number. Are you lost?? Me too but Uncle Larry and Shane ”the Young Gun” Mason are here to explain it to you. I don’t think Lionel ever understood what was going on but we’re sure you will. Enjoy!!

Direct download: the_Uncle_Larry_Show_7.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:32am EDT

What do John Colombo, Zimo decoders, Peter Borcherds and hockey have in common?? Well John has a very cool YouTube channel featuring all sorts of locomotives and the sound he manages to get from them primarily using ESU LokSound. Zimo decoders are improving their sound files, plus we found out Peter has entrusted two of his locomotives to our very own Shane ”the Young Gun.”

Eventually though Lionel and Shane start talking about another shared passion, hockey and in particular the NHL playoffs. So if you’re interested in the hobby of model railroading this podcast might just for you but if you don’t like hockey… maybe not so much. Enjoy!!

Direct download: Tape_to_Tape_Episode_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:19am EDT

Luke’s Soo Line 2nd Subdivision layout could be described many different ways, spectacular, breathtaking, magnificent or amazing just to name a few but one thing’s for sure if you ever get the chance to see it in person you’ll be amazed. Luke lives just a short distance from the frozen tundra of Lambeau Field in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Home of the Green Bay Packers.

Turns out Luke isn’t a huge football fan (Which is against federal law in Green Bay) but he is a huge fan of model railroading and the Soo Line in particular. He’s also a full time conductor with the former Wisconsin Central (now Canadian National.) Add this all together and you’ve got one great interview. Enjoy!!

Direct download: Episode_73__Luke_Lemmens.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:03pm EDT