a ModelersLife

This last virtual chat of the year is open to all of the AML Nation.

Just open up Zoom and type in the meeting ID and Password.

Meeting ID: 813 1965 8126

Password:   764073

Direct download: AML_Nation_-_Virtual_Chat.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

The presents have been opened, the turkey consumed and now all that’s left is waiting for the new year to start. The week between Christmas and New Year’s always seems like halftime at the big game when we gather our thoughts and get ready for the new year. If you’re like all of us at the ole’ AML world headquarters in Busted Knuckle, a change of pace is as good as a rest and with that in mind we’ve brought in our favorite magazine editor to discuss the miracle of Christmas through television.

If you thought Tony was an encyclopedia of knowledge when it came to all things model railroading wait till you hear him talk about TV and especially his favorite network NBC. So grab yourself a big bowl of shredded TV Guides, a tall cool glass of left-over egg nog and enjoy!!

Direct download: Tee_Wee_Christmas_Shows.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

There’s always something going on down at Otter Valley Railroad and even on Christmas day Lorne is getting the Evel Overlord all worked up. This is a special announcement of a very limited-edition locomotive and the AML Network slides in for the scoop, after a lengthy discussion about hamburgers and chicken the news is released. OVR in conjunction with Rapido Trains is producing this special release model and telling the AML Nation before anyone else.

Grab yourself a big bowl of shredded pine needles, a steaming hot mug of day-old hamburger grease and enjoy!!!

Direct download: Lornes_M420s.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 10:30am EST

It’s part two of our annual “State of the Hobby” and this time we hear from Model Railroad News editor Tony Cook, Rapido president Jason Shron and our very own Gordy “Action Man”  Robinson president of the National Model Railroad Association. The future of the hobby is so bright you’ll need double strength sunscreen and the coolest sunglasses you own just to renumber your favorite locomotive.

We even got our very own “Uncle” Dave to spot by to help with introductions, so grab yourself a big bowl of shredded superhero utility belts, a tall cool glass of reusable printing ink and enjoy!!!

And so, this is Christmas and what have you done in the hobby of model railroading this past year. Perhaps you got benchwork started, finally completed the plan for your dream layout, tackled your first craftsman kit or just simply made new friends. With another year over and a new one just about to begin it’s time for our annual state of the hobby, interviewing folks who spend most of their days trying to make the hobby more exciting for all of us.

These are difficult times for everyone, but the community of model railroading gets stronger with folks like Joe Fugate and Shane Wilson leading the way. So sit back with a big bowl of shredded wrapping paper, a steaming hot mug of egg nog and enjoy!!!

Direct download: Episode_183a__State_of_the_Hobby.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Road trips are always fun unless Aunt Mable insists on coming along with her soggy egg salad sandwiches and collection of 8-track tapes to play the entire audio soundtrack from War & Peace. Fortunately, this podcast takes us on a trip to Chama, New Mexico with our good friend Rich Wisneski, proving once and for all that anybody can be interesting.

Rich has been part of a group called “Friends of Cumbres and Toltec” for quite some time and he along with hundreds of others have volunteered their time and services to keep the railroad well maintained and running so that future generations can enjoy this slice of history for decades to come.

So, grab yourself a big bowl of dusty coal ash, pour yourself a two-finger old-fashioned and enjoy!!

Direct download: Waz_Happenin_with_Rich_Wisneski.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST

What can we say, what is there to say but simply thanks? Along with the hundreds of articles, dozens of books and countless hours editing magazines, Tony Koester has been kind enough to spend more than twelve hours across six podcasts patiently answering our questions and telling us all sorts of interesting stories about his journey through the decades as one of the hobby’s leaders.

It’s time to wrap up this series of great interviews and we here at the AML Network feel extremely fortunate to have this opportunity to share with our listeners and give them an opportunity to look behind the curtain. So, sit back and enjoy another interesting podcast with one of the hobby’s most interesting personalities.

Direct download: Episode_182__Tony_Koester_Part_Six.mp3
Category:Model Railroading -- posted at: 2:30am EST