a ModelersLife

Still puzzled about why you never see water and ships in the same bottle?? You’ve become so proficient at time saving techniques you have nothing to do.

Well fear not my friend just when you thought you’d seen and done it all another edition of ViewerMail has been delivered to your doorstep.

So sit back in your favorite beanbag chair with a big bag waffle cut potato chips, a fresh bowl of white lithium grease and a cool refreshing soda while we waste more of your valuable time.

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_37.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am EST

We were hoping to think of some sort of profound introduction to the latest episode of the Uncle Larry Show but unfortunately that's not going to happen, so do your best not to fall asleep during the show.

Direct download: the_Uncle_Larry_Show_3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:18am EST

When James started his YouTube channel, it was primarily to show his cousin the progress he’d made on his layout and never thought it would turn into a major model railroading video resource one day.

His channel is primarily a variety of info about model railroading in HO scale. He responds to questions without imposing his own modeling practices on viewers, he simply offers up his experiences and techniques as something that may be used by anyone.

His multi video series "How to build a layout from start to finish," proved to be very popular. His relaxed descriptive approach to modeling will assist those new and old in this great hobby.


Direct download: Episode_50__James_Wright.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Freaked out because you’ve discovered your neighbor lives right next door to you. Concerned that your purple cow named Phillip is getting old.

You my friend need a distraction and we have just the solution, another edition of ViewerMail. By the time you’re finished listening, all your troubles will seem like long lost friends.

So sit back with a frosty cold mug of A&W root beer, a fresh bag of pork rinds and let us make you feel like some week old danish.

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_36.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am EST

Episode 49 features Andy Dorsch a regular contributor to ViewerMail and all round good guy. His Mascoutin Valley Railroad is a proto-freelanced HO Scale model railroad set in the early 1980's based in Wisconsin and the upper peninsula of Michigan. 

Andy’s love of railroading was inspired by the Chicago and Northwestern Marshline Branch Line that ran behind his parents house !! Everytime a train passed Andy could be seen in the backyard running alongside in his underwear.

When it comes to the world of model railroading Mike Confalone and his Allagash Railway is a favorite. To find out more about Andy’s railroad check his blog at:


Direct download: Episode_49__Andy_Dorsch.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:58am EST