Mon, 30 November 2020
There’s a new locomotive manufacturer coming to town and they’re called Aurora Miniatures, but here’s the twist. They’re based in China and have been selling high quality models to the Chinese model railroad market for several years. Now with a good foundation of creating exquisite HO scale models, the release of their first locomotive based on a North American prototype is about to hit the market. Canadian National’s SD60F will be the first model offered by Aurora Miniatures along with several beautifully crafted HO scale containers. Ben Wang is the lead man on this side of the Pacific and he’s here to bring the AML Nation up to speed. Enjoy !!
Direct download: Ben_Wang_-_SD60F.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EDT |
Mon, 23 November 2020
The train set is a time-honored tradition every Christmas morning with boys and girls of all ages from one to a hundred delighted by the sights and sounds of a train set around the tree. Once again, we’ve called on Model Railroad news editor Tony Cook to tell us about some the best options available for this Christmas season.
These days the choices range form the very simple to the very expensive and everything in between and if you listen long enough, you’ll get a chance to revisit those great airport movies of the seventies with George Kennedy and Charleton Heston. So grab yourself some stale in-flight peanuts, your favorite flat soda and enjoy !! The train set is a time-honored tradition every Christmas morning with boys and girls of all ages from one to a hundred delighted by the sights and sounds of a train set around the tree. Once again, we’ve called on Model Railroad news editor Tony Cook to tell us about some the best options available for this Christmas season. These days the choices range form the very simple to the very expensive and everything in between and if you listen long enough, you’ll get a chance to revisit those great airport movies of the seventies with George Kennedy and Charleton Heston. So grab yourself some stale in-flight peanuts, your favorite flat soda and enjoy !!
Direct download: Christmas_Train_Sets_-_Tony_Cook.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EDT |
Mon, 16 November 2020
This a great interview with a lifelong railroader that work at several different levels with Canadian National Railway while always learning and improving as he went along his journey. It’s also a great story of a full-time railroader who’s devoted to the hobby of model railroading and the friends he’s made along the way. Our friend Rob Arsenault introduced us, and we’re glad he did. Just like any great recipe we added a touch of “Spoon” to liven things up. So, grab yourself a cup of steaming hot cocoa, get comfy in your favorite chair and enjoy!!
Direct download: Episode_158__Norm_Skretting.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EDT |
Thu, 12 November 2020
Well poop, this isn’t any fun at all. The Amherst Railway Society Railroad Hobby Show has been cancelled and all hope has been lost, we’re not even sure there’s a reason to get up tomorrow. But wait, all is not lost, who’s that we see off in the distance leading the charge against sadness and despair?? It’s none other than everyone’s train show hero, John Sacerdote who’s been show director for the past 16 years. John has all sorts of news about what’s going take the place in lieu of this year’s cancellation and some pretty exciting events will be happening. So sit right down in your lawn chair with some left over hot dogs and enjoy !!
Direct download: Amherst_Show_Update_with_John_Sacerdote.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EDT |
Mon, 9 November 2020
Still trying to recover from the “Fans #28” the introductions, get figure out why your dill pickle scented body wash isn’t driving the girls wild. The Nicholas Cage pillowcases you ordered from Amazon were the wrong size but when you tried to exchange them for autographed Doris Day bath towels you found out she’s longer available for after dinner speaking engagements. None of this makes sense which is the perfect introduction to “Fans of the AML Part #2.” This time our fearless heroes did manage to read five days of posts falling even further behind in their never-ending quest to catch up. So, grab yourself a big bowl of shredded 8X10 glossy’s, a steaming hot mug of stale bath water and enjoy !!
Direct download: Fans_28_-_Part_Two.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EDT |
Mon, 2 November 2020
One of the best parts of having a world-famous podcast is all the folks we meet along the way and today’s episode is no exception. Buried deep in the hills of South Carolina, we found ourselves a gem of a modeler who’s built several layouts on his way to finally settling down in S-scale and twelve miles of railroad between Greenville and Travellers Rest known as the Greenville and Northern Railway. We here at the ‘ole AML Nation enjoyed recording this edition of “a ModelerLife” and look forward to sharing it with all of you. So find yourself a comfortable spot on the porch with a refreshing cold beverage, loosen your belt after a hearty meal and enjoy !!
Direct download: Episode_157__Scott_Lister.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EDT |