Mon, 29 November 2021
It’s an exciting time in the hobby and nothing is more exciting for us down at AML Nation headquarters than Gordy Robinson becoming president of the NMRA. It’s so great to see someone with so much enthusiasm and energy lead this great hobby of ours into the future. As we like to say up here on the forty-eighth floor of the Stewart Sterling building… Model railroading, it’s younger than you think and Gordy’s here to prove it. With some new directors in place, new department heads, a full-scale effort to produce a digital copy of the magazine and a hopper car full of other great ideas, the sky’s the limit for the new NMRA. So, grab yourself a big bowl of old shredded paper membership forms, a steaming hot mug of envelope glue and enjoy !!
Direct download: Waz_Happenin_with_Gordy_Robinson.mp3
Category:Model Railroad, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST |
Mon, 22 November 2021
Our long national model railroad nightmare is over, well actually, it’s more like just calmed down enough that things can finally start going back to normal. More importantly our friend John Sacerdote can get back to doing what John does best… Running the Annual Amherst-Springfield-Big E, fourteen building on 200 acres annual train show. Once again, the annual pilgrimage to West Springfield, Mass. can take place. Friendships can be renewed, new products can be announced, hot dogs can be consumed, and all will be right with the world. Even our very own “Mr. Fitness” (Chris Adams) will be there to make sure you eat right and lead us in a series purchasing exercises. So grab yourself a big bowl of shredded blue boxes, a tall cool glass of warm two-year-old soda and enjoy!!
Direct download: Amherst_Train_Show_is_a_Go_.mp3
Category:Model Railroad, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST |
Mon, 15 November 2021
Social media and model railroading is a match made in heaven and our next guest is a classic example. Since his mid-teens he’s been providing a source of free learning, community, and entertainment for the hobby through his YouTube channel “NSmodeler24.” Along with his father Tom together they’ve been building a Norfolk Southern HO scale layout for nearly eight years loosely based on the "S-Line," which runs between Charlotte, NC and Knoxville, TN. This is another great example of how the hobby is growing and modelers from all over the world are finding each other. Get comfortable in grandpa’s rocker and enjoy listening to a fantastic modeler describe his journey. |
Mon, 8 November 2021
Yes, we were wondering the same thing… What’s “Snookums” up to now?? This podcast spans the globe as we teach an Aussie how to end each segment, Don and Mark stop by to tell us about HO scale derails and we find out about all the progress that’s been taking place on the Greenville and Northern. We even get a guided tour of the workshop with our very own Seth Gartner. We also learn about the South-East Narrow Gauge Museum and everything you’d ever want to know about Hickory, South Carolina. So, grab yourself of a big bowl of shredded paperwork, a steaming hot mug of scenery goop and enjoy.
Direct download: All-Star_Variety_Hour_34.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST |
Mon, 1 November 2021
How many episodes will it take to interview what many say is one of the most influential model railroaders of all time. Here at the ‘ole AML headquarters we fired up our IBM 5150 trying to come up with a reasonable number and decided this could be part three of a forty-seven-part Tony Koester Trilogy. Tony had lots of stories to share about his travels with Jim Boyd whom he worked alongside during his days at Railroad Model Craftsman. We’re also joined by our very own magazine editor extraordinaire, Tony Cook who plans to someday release a book of Jim Boyd’s night photography. It’s a great episode filled with lots of interesting, fun and adventurous anecdotes from years past. So, get comfortable in your favorite pjs and enjoy!!
Direct download: Episode_180__Koester_Part_Three.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST |