Mon, 30 December 2019
Get ready to learn everything you need to know about photography, what exactly a HEMTT is (Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck.) Take a trip down memory lane with the Missouri Pacific or discover the joys of operating a GP-15. We discuss everybody’s favorite condiment as we investigate some the most compelling issues of the day, right here in on another exciting edition of the Kelly Questions. So grab yourself a big bowl of shredded 36 mm film, a cool tall glass of used developer fluid and enjoy!! |
Mon, 23 December 2019
It’s Christmas and with the new year almost upon us, Bruce the Mailboy will explain why it’s to early to get excited about the new decade. We can hardly contain our excitement for the future and all we have planned here on the 48th floor, in the Joe Cummings Studios high atop the Stewart L Sterling building in downtown Busted Knuckle, Kentucky. We want to wish all of our listeners a very merry Christmas and hope your stocking is filled with everything you’d hoped for, so grab yourself a big bowl of shredded walnut shells, a steaming hot mug of last year‘s eggnog and enjoy. |
Mon, 16 December 2019
As another year draws to a close it’s time once again to invite one of model railroading’s gate keepers to give us their views on the current state of the hobby. This year we’re fortunate enough to have the editor of Railroad Model Craftsman and the social media expert for White River Productions. It’s an interesting discussion on the future of the hobby and which direction we might be headed next. The population of this hobby is much younger than the age put forth by the NMRA and this podcast helps explain why. Enjoy!!
Direct download: Episode_136__Annual_State_of_the_Hobby.mp3
Category:Model Railroading -- posted at: 2:30am EDT |
Mon, 9 December 2019
Can't remember what you were doing six months ago?? Well if you were in Benton, Tennessee at the end of May we’ve got you covered, otherwise you’re on your own. It's more interviews from the Hiawassee River Rail Excursion, a very relaxing fifty mile round trip with a good time had by all. So grab yourself a big bowl of shredded tunnel motor radiator grills, a tall glass of standing puddle water and enjoy !!!
Direct download: AML_All-Star_Variety_Hour_14.mp3
Category:Model Railroading -- posted at: 1:49am EDT |
Mon, 2 December 2019
Have you ever wanted to find out firsthand what it’s like to takeoff and land from an aircraft carrier during the Vietnam war or perhaps you’ve wondering what it’s like to be the NMRA’s director at large. Maybe you’ve considered moving from Florida to a four hundred acre farm in New Hampshire or perhaps you’re considering building structures from cardstock and just not sure where to start. It’s time to clear the decks as the AML Nation gets ready to take off another exciting podcast assignment. Enjoy!! |