a ModelersLife

Rob Arsenault takes his chances with the Kelly Questions, we take a trip out to New Jersey to find out what’s on the workbench of Ron Klaiss of Mine Mount Models and finally we check in with Joe D’Amato of Micro Trains as he tells us some excellent techniques for applying decals.

So pull up a chair, grab yourself a tall glass of Solvaset, a big bowl of damp shredded backing paper and enjoy !!!

Direct download: AML_All-Star_Variety_Hour_2.mp3
Category:Model Railroading -- posted at: 2:30am EST

White River Productions is pleased to announce that Otto Vondrak, associate editor of Railfan & Railroad, is the new editor of Railroad Model Craftsman. The eighth editor of RMC, he’s a native of New York state and graduate of Rochester Institute of Technology’s (RIT) graphic design program.

A lifelong model railroader, he’s a member of the National Model Railroad Association Northeast Region, and a co-founder of the RIT Model Railroad Club. We here at the ole’ AML world headquarters think Otto is a great choice for the position and look forward to what he’ll bring to this already great magazine.

Congratulations !!

Direct download: Episode_116__Otto_Vondrak.mp3
Category:Model Railroading -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Gordy Robinson is young, enthusiastic and ready to make the NMRA the best it can be… Find out why right here.

Direct download: Vote_for_Gordy_.mp3
Category:Model Railroading -- posted at: 1:51am EST

Another trip to Springfield is in the books, it was another great show with nine acres of model railroading to see in just two days.

Now it’s time to find out from all your favorite AML characters what they saw, who they talked to and what they bought.

So grab yourself a big bowl of shredded Tyco hopper cars, a tall glass of re-useable hot dog water and enjoy !!!

Direct download: Springfield_Review.mp3
Category:Model Railroading -- posted at: 2:30am EST

We first met Brooks about a year ago through an email we received at the ole’ AML headquarters. (It had fallen behind one of the filing cabinets.) He seemed like the perfect candidate for an interview, young, self motivated and dedicated to model railroading. This is an excellent interview exploring the many facets how life intertwines with this great hobby of ours and helps to strengthen the fabric of who we are as individuals.

When he is not busy searching for Blue box models he’s running his business, Western Audio Works check out his website at:


Enjoy !!

Direct download: Episode_115__Brooks_Willig.mp3
Category:Model Railroading -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Still wondering what those bright lights were last night above your house, your Aunt Mabel claims she was abducted by aliens on Tuesday and they took her ’79 Pinto wagon with them. You’re convinced Area 51 is nothing more than a cover for the real UFO’s in Area 73. This all sounds quite reasonable but be prepared to go back… Way back.

It’s the latest edition of the X2F Files as we take a look back at some of the hits and misses from model railroading’s yesteryear with Model Railroad News editor Tony Cook.

Direct download: X2F_Files_-_Krauss_Maffei.mp3
Category:Model Railroading -- posted at: 2:30am EST