a ModelersLife

Hang on to your hats kids it’s another Lincoln Homer… Well actually it’s ViewerMail but it’s still a grand slam.

Still trying to recover from a failed attempt at ordering a taco in McDonald’s. Sad that your over ripe banana costume is constantly being confused as a giant pepperoni.

Well fear not my friends all hope is lost and there’s nothing left to do but listen to the boys from the AML Network.

So sit back with a lovely glass sour goats milk, moldy cheese curds and enjoy.

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_39.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:30am EDT

It's SuperFan number 9 Wayne Mollohan, a resident of Rhode Island it was difficult to make the conversation last longer than 10 minutes.

All kidding aside Wayne was a great guest with lots of interesting tales about the Providence Northern Model Railroad Club.

Enjoy !!

Direct download: Episode_52__Wayne_Mollohan.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:16am EDT

Frustrated trying to count all of the hairs on your head??

Disappointed because you still can’t say the letter “P” without moving your lips.

Well here at the ole’ AML Network we have just the remedy to put the spring back in your step and a smile on your face. It’s another edition of ViewerMail but be prepared it still just as boring as the others.

So sit back with some apple cider from the angry orchard, a big bag of soggy pretzels and enjoy.

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_38.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:57pm EDT

Ron Klaiss is the owner of the Mine Mount & Seaside Railroad is an HO/HOn3 logging and coal mining railroad based in the Appalachian mountains.

Ron is an excellent modeler (with one L) so there's plenty of craftsman style structures on the railroad, lots of backwoods scenery, tons of wooden trestles, a shipyard scene, small towns, a small engine service area...etc.

You can find out lots more about the layout on his YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/myowngod2

Ron lives in New Jersey with his son Aidan and his wife Michelle.

Enjoy !!

Direct download: Episode_51__Ron_Klaiss.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am EDT

It’s time for a visit with long time AML listener Toni Ryan… We stop by unannounced to find out what Toni is working on and discover he’s making great progress on his N-scale Free-Mo modules.

Find a nice cozy spot while you relax with a wobbly pop and pretzels.

Let the fun begin.

Direct download: Whats_on_the_Workbench_4.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:46pm EDT

It’s time for another round of Kelly questions and this time Tom Jacobs trys to get a respectable score.

Check out his website here: http://www.readingmodeler.com/

Enjoy !!

Direct download: Kelly_Questions_-_Round_14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:28am EDT