a ModelersLife

A quick 30 minute show of the events of the past couple of weeks and why the show seems disorganized on both the free site and on Patreon.

If you’re wondering why a 63 year old man would walk over 115km/70miles this might be the show for you. If you’re not interested this is still a good way to waste 30 minutes of your life. Enjoy !!

Direct download: A_Conversation_About_Walking.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:17pm EST

This is a re-release of our very first Patreon Podcast and the first ever Shane Show. Enjoy !!!

Shane the "Young Gun"  could be a show all on his own so the first offering on our Patreon Page is the first ever "Shane Show." 

I know you'll enjoy this because Shane is full of energy and always has something interesting to say.

Direct download: Shane_Show_1_-_Re-Release.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30am EST

We bought some new portable recording equipment, a Zoom H5 and the Sexy Voicenator 500 microphone a.k.a. Shurr SM 58. We tried it out at the AML barbeque with some decent results and decided it would be fun to try interviewing some folks at the NMRA Train Show in Orlando, Florida.

 It turned out pretty good as we talked to the folks at Peco Track, White River Productions, the Coach Yard, ScaleTrains.com, Gordy Robinson from the British Region of the NMRA, YouTuber Bob Olson and a couple of real live model Railroaders.

I hope you have as much fun listening as I did talking. Enjoy!!

Direct download: Episode_80__NMRA_Train_Show.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am EST

In this episode Chris relays his experiences at the Layout Design and Operations weekend in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Operation weekends are becoming more and more popular all across North America such Minn Rail, Prairie Rail and the always secretive Pro Rail.

Chris also shares his views on an array of subjects such as Social Media, places to eat and friends nicknames with an in-depth discussion on nicknames and how they come to be. The Layout Design Sig had a presence in Tulsa and Chris was happy to get plenty of solid input on his layout design. 


Direct download: the_Atkins_Diet2_Re-Release.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am EST

What does an avid New Haven Railroad fan, bicycle racing, Connecticut State Legislature, pineapple pizza and brownies have in common?? Well if you haven’t guessed already we’re talking about Chris Adams and his Connecticut Valley Branch Railroad.

Chris is a fabulously interesting guy as you’ll find out, he maintains a website, a blog, has operating sessions, rides around Old Saybrook on his bike, is actively creating a photo library for New Haven Railroad Historical & Technical Association, (NHRHTA) Chris and the gang have catalog at least 11,000 images so far all the while eating brownies prepared with care by his wife Debby.

There’s lots more to tell but it would be just easier to just pull up a chair and listen. Enjoy.

Direct download: Episode_79__Chris_Adams.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am EST