Fri, 30 July 2021
Road trips have been part of the American fabric as soon as Henry Ford rolled the first model “T” off the assembly line. Model railroads have been part of American family life for well a hundred years. What would get if you combined both of these iconic symbols of the American life??… Shane Wilson pulling the biggest RV you ever saw from town to town promoting model railroading and ScaleTrains. Shane is about to set out on the journey of a lifetime travelling from one club to another across all 50 states and he wants to take the AML Nation along with him. So, grab yourself a big bowl of shredded road maps, a tall cool glass of gas station soda and enjoy !!
Direct download: ScaleTrains_on_the_Road_.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 12:05pm EST |
Mon, 26 July 2021
The model railroad industry is more vibrant today than it’s ever been, with new manufacturers popping up almost every day. In this episode we talk to Greg McComas one who, like so many before him has created a business simply out of the need for a particular product. We first learned of Greg and his new business from our friend Stephen Atwell, owner of the very successful Midwest Model Railroad who has managed to create a destination hobby shop in a very short period of time. It’s a great episode with a look into the future of how vibrant and exciting this hobby is going to become for all of us. So grab yourself a steaming hot plate of ground foam, a cool glass of packaging glue and enjoy !!
Direct download: All-Star_Variety_Hour_31.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST |
Mon, 19 July 2021
No one could ever dispute that model railroaders can be very resourceful when it comes to filling a need for their layout and this story is no different. With the need to find a realistic beaver for a small pond on his layout, Bernard Hallen has created one of the most complete 3-D printing resources in the hobby. With his imagination and suggestions from modelers around the word the possibilities are endless. So, grab yourself a big bowl of shredded beaver tails, a tall glass of warm pond water and enjoy!!
Direct download: Episode_173__MiniPrints.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST |
Fri, 16 July 2021
Image if you will, a magical town with cobblestone roads, beautiful shade trees, quaint homes, friendly folks and a large model railroad store so well stocked it wouldn’t seem out of place in any of the big city’s across America. It’s not a dream or fantasy, it’s Spring creek Model Trains in Deshler, Nebraska just twenty-seven miles from Strang, Nebraska, less than three hours from Omaha and barely two hundred miles from the AML’s own Tony Cook. This episode we chat with Jeff and Mike Zucker about the upcoming model railroad show that takes over the town of Deshler, for an entire weekend. Over the past decade the Zucker’s have hosted a biennial train show with many of the major model railroad manufactures represented. So pack up your favorite AML t-shirt, your most comfy pajamas and get ready for a great weekend of home cooking, model railroading and down home fun !!
Direct download: Spring_Creek_Train_Show.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST |
Mon, 12 July 2021
Well, it finally happened, Hard Part and LaFawnDuh have a new addition to the family and we here at HQ couldn’t be more excited. There was much rejoicing throughout the AML Nation as this wonderful news spread across the land and picking just the right name was made priority number one. There were all sorts of great suggestions and BBQSteve was certainly one of the frontrunners but after much deliberation, hand wringing and a few choice words, the newest addition to the family has been christened. So, grab yourself a big bowl of shredded winter wipers, a tall cool glass of windshield washer fluid and enjoy!!
Direct download: Name_LaFawnDuhs_Sibling.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST |
Mon, 5 July 2021
We've met an awful lot of interesting people here at the ole’ AML Network and our next guest is no exception. With a background in the railroad industry and a love railfanning from an early age, plus a long career in the trucking industry, two hours was really not enough time to find out everything there is to know about Chris. But that's not all, he's one of the most prolific railfan videographers you'll find trackside just about anywhere in the lower forty-eight with dozens of great videos at Green Frog productions. So get comfortable in your favorite folding chair with a bowl of shredded trackside weeds, a tall glass of warm puddle water and enjoy !!
Direct download: Episode_172__Chris_Wehman.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST |