Mon, 28 December 2020
Since the beginning we’ve checked up on the state of the hobby each year with Joe Fugate editor of the online magazine Model Railroad Hobbyist and this year is no different, but we decided to add our favorite NMRA Director-at-Large Gordy Robinson all the way from the Orkney Islands in the North Atlantic just off the coast of Scotland. Both of these gentlemen had some interesting information to share about the future of this great hobby and with the kind of enthusiasm Gordy has the future looks very bright for everyone. So grab yourself a bowl of haggis, a pint of Guinness and enjoy !!
Direct download: Fugate-Robinson.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST |
Thu, 24 December 2020
Conrail guy, flight attendant and museum curator walk into a bar… Sounds like a great lead in for a joke but instead it’s the lead in for the AML Nation’s Christmas Eve Special featuring our very “Uncle” Dave Abeles, Tracy Boyd the official flight attendant of the AML Network and Michelle Kempema the fastest talking museum curator east of the Rockies !! This podcast is like the jelly of the month club… it’s the gift that just keeps on giving. So grab yourself a bowl of last year’s butternut squash, a steaming hot mug of leftover gravy and enjoy!!
Direct download: Night_Before_Christmas.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST |
Mon, 21 December 2020
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care in hopes that Peter would soon be there. Matt with his tattoo and Andy with his beard had just settled down for a long winter’s podcast when outside the studio there rose such a clatter, I sprang from my chair to see what ‘twas the matter. What to my eyes should there appear but eight tiny boxcars so lively and quick lead a jolly young man with a smile on his face yelling, “come on NMRA, pick up the pace.” The young man smiled as his ideas they did come and I’m here to tell you, the NMRA is not done. I’m Gordy, I’m Gordy so vote for me now, I’ll be your president and for sure you’ll say wow !! Merry Christmas from the AML Nation !!!
Direct download: Christmas_From_Across_the_Pond.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST |
Mon, 14 December 2020
If you’re interested in the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad or you’re wondering what sort of choices a Canadian National locomotive engineer from Fort Dodge, Iowa would make under pressure, then you’ve come to the right place. If you’ve ever wonder how elitist hobby manufacturer like Scott Thornton would handle scoring on the Kelly Questions, then you’ve come to the right place. It’s time once again to don the tinfoil helmet as we take another contestant down the precarious road of providing useless knowledge that no one needs to know. So grab yourself a big bowl of shredded score cards, a steaming hot mug of melted locomotive axle grease and enjoy !!
Direct download: Kelly_Questions__Jason_Klocke.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST |
Mon, 7 December 2020
Have you ever felt that sometimes your scale locomotives get lonely and need a little support in order to make it through another operating session or maybe on those long dark nights when there’s no action on the railroad at all?? Well fear not, now there’s Decoder Buddy from Nick Santo, a former chemist turned flight instructor from New England. Model railroaders are an inventive bunch to be sure, often times out of necessity and often times just simply looking to build a better mouse trap, making the hobby more enjoyable for everyone. The Decoder Buddy helps simplify the installation on a variety of different DCC decoders, it’s a product that’s sure revolutionize an already exciting part of the hobby. It’s a great podcast we’re sure you’ll enjoy !!
Direct download: Episode_159__NixTrainz.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST |