a ModelersLife

On this episode of a ModelersLife, our friend, the always popular Dave Owens returns to the AML studios to bring us up to date on the latest happenings in NERPM. (Excuse me) As can be expected since last year, the gang of the Northeast/New England Railroad Prototype Modeler‘s Meet, have a closed down another hotel, and have moved on to better digs with the help of the Amherst Railway Society.

Dave of course is once again his fun-loving self, with lots of information about this months this year’s event, plus we discuss all the clinics and after the Evel Overlord screws up again, Ted DiIorio’s name is officially changed to Teddy Dee!! Enjoy.

Direct download: NERPM_-_Excuse_Me.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 1:12pm EDT

Here’s a question for everyone in the AML Nation, how many times is too many times to chat with our illustrious NMRA President, Gordy Robinson?? Not sure of the answer?? None of us here at the old AML headquarters know the answer either, but we’re thinking it’s probably something like, to infinity and beyond!!  

The crew was lucky enough to catch up with Gordy Robinson at his parents’ home just before heading to the local infirmary for some surgery and finding out how many of the doctors and nurses he could sign up for memberships to the NMRA. Also Gordy tells us about another great way to save on your NMRA membership. It’s another excellent Gordy Robinson interview. Enjoy.

Direct download: Episode_236__Gordy_Robinson.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EDT

It’s time for “Great Layouts Part Two” and in this episode, we cover everything from how important snacks are and if snacks are important at all. Obviously, we must all agree that abundant and plentiful snacks make for great model railroad operations, but even more importantly, when visiting one of the fabulous layouts that populate the North American landscape layout, you must approach with the attitude that you are there to bring the layout owners model railroad to life and make him feel rewarded for a job well done.

There’s plenty of discussion on how and where to get experience operating model railroads and that makes for some great back and forth chatter amongst the panel members. It’s a great podcast and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy!!

Direct download: Great_Layouts_Part_Deux.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EDT

Chris Wehman is becoming an increasingly popular guest on ModelersLife with a fabulous N-Scale layout, tons of enthusiasm for the hobby, unparalleled railfanning videographer skills, devoted to replicating model railroad operations and a burning desire to make this hobby of model railroading, as much fun for every around him as it is for himself.

Well, it turns out he’s now a bona fide, YouTube influencer in the hobby of model railroading featuring Scale Trains N-Scale, SD 40–2 on his layout and while hosting a very informative video with tons of great information about the locomotive. This podcast was lots of fun to record, and it’ll be even more fun to listen to. Thanks for Listening!!

Direct download: Chris_Wehman_-_YouTube_Influencer.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EDT

It’s time for another star studded, All-Star Variety Hour with some of the biggest names in the hobby, and some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. John Sacerdote the Director of the big Springfield Model Train Show held each year at the end of January and YouTube sensation Ron Marsh, who’s channel Ron’s Trains N’ Things continues to grow each week, are both interesting enough to for their own one-on one interview.

We had meant to include John‘s interview in one of our previous Springfield Reports, but got distracted by Ron Marsh who kept pestering us about stopping by the ModelersLife Studios for another interview. Dave Owens gives us some great insight into what goes on behind the scenes at Springfield while Ron Marsh talks about what it takes to create an awesome YouTube channel. It’s a great podcast and one we’re sure you’ll enjoy!!

Direct download: All-Star_Variety_Hour_54.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 3:01am EDT