a ModelersLife

This podcast was originally aired on our Patreon site on April 6th, and we're making available free to all those interested in the podcast.

It's not impossible to build a model railroad layout without a trackplan but it's considerably more difficult. Creating a trackplan can be one of the more enjoyable aspects of building your own model railroad but unfortunately it's not something you need to do on a regular basis.

So we decided to have a roundtable discussion exploring the pros and cons of layout design. We explored just a few of the many aspects that can be during the design process and had fun doing it.


Direct download: Layout_Design_RoundTable.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am EST

It’s the second installment of ScaleTrains.com month. In this episode we speak with Todd Arnett who is the Norfolk Southern expert for this very ambitious model building company. Todd is an enthusiastic modeler form the Charlotte, North Carolina area with an interesting story and gives us more insight into ScaleTrains.com


Direct download: Episode_76__Todd_Arnett.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:26pm EST

Still trying to get that old Kool-Aid stain out of your favourite leisure suit? Convinced dinosaur farts could have been a huge source of renewable energy. Service dogs are convinced your dog is unemployed. As a child of the 70s your math teacher insisted you wouldn't have a calculator everywhere you went only to discover he was lying to you all along.

We can take your mind off your troubles and easily help you waste an 98 minutes of your life simply by listening to ViewerMail. So get yourself a big bowl of toaster crumbs, a tall glass of luke warm puddle water and enjoy.

Direct download: ViewerMail_Flight_58.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:18pm EST

It’s the beginning of ScaleTrains.com month so a return interview with company president Shane Wilson seemed like the logical place to start. Lots of progress and excitement has taken place since we last visited with Shane. There’s been the release of SD40-2’s, Big Blow in N-Scale, the UP auxiliary water tenders, airslide covered hoppers, the tank car disaster and they even announced the Tier 4 GEVO.

It’s great to hear all the adventures that come from running a model railroad company. ScaleTrains.com is off and running making a place for themselves in the hobby so come along and journey with us. Enjoy.

Direct download: Episode_75__ScaleTrains.com.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am EST