a ModelersLife

You've heard about it from your friends, you know it exists and finally it's here. Round eight of the Kelly Questions featuring non-other than AML Superfan #2 Peter Burr. 

The score on this round was up and down but in the end Peter actually managed to get one and we were all thrilled. So listen in while this retired doctor from the hills of Tennessee dazzles us with his knowledge and witty repartee !!
Direct download: Kelly_Questions_-_Peter_Burr.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:08am EST

Well it's time once again for another chapter in the never ending saga that is "a ModelersLife."  This time it's something just a little different, originally it was suppose to be Sara Kelly with an update on her movie Model Citizens followed by a chat with her executive producer but that didn't work out.

So the second have of this show is an interview I did one night with our very own Jim Rindt when he didn't even know it was happening. The whole episode turned out great and I know you'll enjoy it.

Direct download: Sara_Kelly__Jim_Rindt.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:02am EST

Once again it's time for our illustrious heros to sort through the viewer mail and come up with intelligent answers. That being we'll just hope these guys can read and not waste to much of your time. This episode we introduce a new segment called, "Lionel Doesn't Get It."

Direct download: Viewer_Mail_Number_17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:02pm EST

It’s the Scotty Mason show !!! Err… Wait a minute… It’s still ModelersLife, just episode 17 with Scotty Mason. Actually he’s more comfortable with Scott but Scott Mason.com was taken so we all know him as Scotty. So come along as we beam you up to the mothership and listen to us as we listen to Scott answer all those questions you’ve been dieing to ask him.

Direct download: Scotty_Mason.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:45pm EST