a ModelersLife

It can be easily said one of the hobby’s most influential modelers John Allen and his Gorre & Daphetid Railroad. John was a pioneer in the hobby, as a professional photographer with artistic talent and attention to detail, he was able to create some incredibly realistic scenes.

Through his numerous published articles he was able to share what many consider to be one of the greatest model railroads of all time.In this podcast Bruce the Moderately Agitated Mailboy takes us on a tour of his railroad and the man behind it all. Enjoy!!

Direct download: Scale_Legends__John_Allen.mp3
Category:Model Railroading -- posted at: 2:30am EDT

What sort of questions would you ask someone that is a lighting engineer on “The Great White Way” and owns one of the finest model railroad shops in the midwest?? The Kelly Questions of course, a series of hard hitting questions and insights designed to discover the man under the no nonsense exterior of a tough businessman.

Unfortunately Kelly didn’t write down any of those questions but we do manage to waste another hour of modeling time. So grab yourself a large bowl of shredded blue box kits, a tall glass of Solvaset and enjoy!!

Direct download: Kelly_Questions__Stephen_Atwell.mp3
Category:Model Railroading -- posted at: 2:30am EDT

What happens when you mix a Norfolk Southern engineer together with a freelance modeler and an active YouTube creator?? It’s a very interesting ninety minutes of podcasting. Tim has a great layout which he uses to relax from the day to day stress of being 1:1 railroader.

There’s lots see and do on his Seaboard Central Railroad, so sit back and enjoy some great railroading stories and unique insights from another interesting guest of the AML Nation.

Direct download: Episode_130__Tim_Garland.mp3
Category:Model Railroading -- posted at: 2:30am EDT

It’s time for another fabulous round of the Kelly Questions!! Each envelope has been hermetically sealed in the front pocket of Mike “the Spoon” Ostertag’s coveralls… No one… I repeat, no one has been given access to these questions until now.

Find out what happens when a drummer, waiter, guy that prepares taxes, teacher and lonesome devil is put to the test. So grab yourself a bowl of shredded tax returns, a tall glass of recycled table water and enjoy!!

Direct download: Kelly_Questions__Joey_Guinto.mp3
Category:Model Railroading -- posted at: 2:30am EDT

Ever wonder what it’s like to be an outstanding architectural modeler and the vice-president of a well respected company like ExactRail??Is it possible to have a one foot by seven foot layout featured on the cover of one our hobby’s top magazines. Can a small layout provide enough entertainment to host operating sessions for as many as six people??

The Hudson Terminal Railway and is a fictional subsidiary of the New York Central that’s heavily influenced by the multiple terminals that were once served by car floats. This a great interview which we’re sure you’ll enjoy.

Direct download: Episode_129__Chris_Brimley.mp3
Category:Model Railroading -- posted at: 2:30am EDT