a ModelersLife

Still not sure which armrest is yours at the movie theatre, can’t help wondering if vegetarians eat animal crackers?? Why does it take so long to sink in quicksand, if your child refuses to sleep during nap time is he or she resisting a rest??

We can’t help with any of these problems but we can help you waste another hour of your life with another awesome podcast from the AML Nation. We have two great interviews with our very own Shane “the Young Gun” and Aaron Maue a frequent post of all sorts of interesting stuff. So grab yourself a bowl of ground foam and ballast, a tall glass of wet watery plaster and enjoy.

Direct download: AML_All-Star_Variety_Hour_4.mp3
Category:Model Railroading -- posted at: 3:10am EST

Still wondering if you can buy an entire chess set at a pawn shop. Do vegetarians eat animal crackers, when does it stop being partly cloudy and start being partly sunny? Can’t stop wondering if it’s illegal to park beside a fire hydrant even when your car is on fire??

We can’t help you solve these problems but pull up a chair ringside as we introduce you to another exciting round of the Kelly Questions. So grab yourself a big bowl of shredded cowboy boots, a tall glass of crude oil and enjoy!!

Direct download: Kelly_Questions__Brooks_Willig.mp3
Category:Model Railroading -- posted at: 2:30am EST

What happens when you can’t get all the parts and pieces you need to build your dream N-Scale layout… Simple, you start a successful business called MidWest Model Railroad.

Stephen and along with his mom, Alice and dad Gary decided to make the hobby more accessible to everyone with great prices and timely delivery. Early on they decided to keep the cost of operating their business to a minimum and pass the savings along to the individual modeler.

It’s a great story and one I’m sure you’ll enjoy!!

Direct download: Episode_120__Stephen_Atwell.mp3
Category:Model Railroading -- posted at: 1:23am EST

You still have questions about extra terrestrials that helped the stranded astronauts on Apollo 13?? Still not sure if your multiple choice answers on your grade ten geography test were correct?? Still wondering about the viability of turning Star Trek into a musical??

We can’t help with any of this but if you’ve always wondered what sort of super hero the host of Ron’s Trains and Things would be you’ve come to the right place.

So grab yourself a big bowl of shredded SATs, a tall glass of spent rocket fuel and enjoy.

Direct download: Kelly_Questions__Ron_Marsh.mp3
Category:Model Railroading -- posted at: 2:30am EST

The HO scale Piney Fork Branch re-creates a New York Central branch line in eastern Ohio during the 1960s. This is a multilevel layout featuring an extensive steel-mill scene.

An emergency room doctor by day and an avid model railroader at night, Seth as been in and around railroading since his boyhood days in Minerva, Ohio, about 50 miles southwest of Youngstown.

This is a great railroad recently featured on the cover of the August, 2018 edition of Model Railroader Magazine.  Enjoy !!

Direct download: Episode_119__Seth_Gartner.mp3
Category:Model Railroading -- posted at: 2:30am EST