Mon, 29 June 2020
Here at the old AML network we’ve been wondering for quite some time now what exactly are those things that pop up from time to time on Ron’s Trains ‘N Things?? So we decided it was time for some hard hitting investigative journalism in an effort to find out exactly what the “things” are but unfortunately we were met with a series of vague answers and enough side-stepping to create a new dance craze. Ron Trains ‘N Things has been the official how-to video channel of the AML Network longer than “Kelly” has lived in one place. But what if we brought together two of our favorite Rons to create one of the best product review videos ever seen on YouTube?? Unfortunately that wasn’t possible but we did manage to create a moderately adequate podcast. Enjoy!! |
Thu, 25 June 2020
Train shows are being cancelled all over the world these days, one right after another and with the recent news that Milwaukee’s TrainFest won’t be happening this year we decided to find out what’s the status of the number one train show in America. The crack news team here at the AML Network scraped together enough cash to get bus tickets for the whole gang and made their way to Springfield, Massachusetts the home of the Amherst Railway Society Railroad Hobby Show to find out what the future holds for this great event. So grab yourself a bowl of shredded floor plans, a steaming hot mug of boiled hot dog water and enjoy!!
Direct download: Springfield_is_Go__John_Sacerdote.mp3
Category:Model Railroading -- posted at: 2:30am EDT |
Mon, 22 June 2020
Still need help getting that old John Deere tractor running, can’t decide which crops to plant this season, you’ve planted an acre of garlic but don’t have enough lettuce to make a salad?? You went down to the local Ace Hardware looking for expert advice from the manager about renovating your grandma‘s bedroom and all he wanted to do was sell you a Palzer’s Plumbing Supply kit and some HO scale industrial storage racking?? Fortunately it’s time for another All-Star Variety Hour which will be of no actual use but may help to relieve the pain of day to day life. So grab yourself a big bowl of moist potting soil, a tall cool glass of Benjamin Moore’s exterior primer and enjoy!!
Direct download: All-Star_Variety_Hour_23.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EDT |
Mon, 15 June 2020
If there’s an award to be given out for the most enthusiastic person in this hobby, surely our next guest would be at the top of the list. George has been working for SoundTraxx over ten years and you’ve probably seen him at a train show or clinic somewhere in your area during that time. He’s a fan of the Missouri Pacific Railroad and willing to help any modeler with any questions. When he’s not out on the road promoting the hobby you can usually find him between the pipes at the local arena making glove saves in rapier like fashion. George is a true ambassador to the hobby and a pleasure to be with, so put on your favorite Dallas Stars jersey, your Eddie the Eagle mask and enjoy !!
Direct download: Episode_148__George_Bogatiuk.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EDT |
Mon, 8 June 2020
It’s another great podcast from deep in the valleys around Busted Knuckle, Kentucky. With the longest introduction in the history of podcasting, thanks in part to our very own Mike “the Spoon” Ostertag. Mick Shea, a loyal listener for quite some time now, stops by to introduce himself. Plus one of our old standby favorites, Otto Vondrak the editor of Railroad Model Craftsman. So grab yourself a big bowl of shredded resin decals, a tall glass of clear coat and enjoy !! |
Mon, 1 June 2020
Here at the ol' AML Network, there’s two things we always strive to achieve, hard hitting journalism, and ignore the facts whenever possible. So when the Evil Overlord visited Rapido Trains, it seemed only fitting to get the scoop on Jason Shron's crack team of model slingin' miracle workers. It’s a whistle stop tour of the folks behind the scenes at Rapido, we get the lowdown on how Janet, Joshua, Jordan & Dan arrived at Rapido and what the hobby means to them. So grab yourself a big bowl of shredded scale model flyers, a hot steaming mug of gearbox oil and enjoy!!
Direct download: Episode_147__Rapido_Staff.mp3
Category:Model Railroading, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EDT |