a ModelersLife

Our long national model railroad nightmare is over, well actually, it’s more like just calmed down enough that things can finally start going back to normal. More importantly our friend John Sacerdote can get back to doing what John does best… Running the Annual Amherst-Springfield-Big E, fourteen building on 200 acres annual train show.

Once again, the annual pilgrimage to West Springfield, Mass. can take place. Friendships can be renewed, new products can be announced, hot dogs can be consumed, and all will be right with the world. Even our very own “Mr. Fitness” (Chris Adams) will be there to make sure you eat right and lead us in a series purchasing exercises.

So grab yourself a big bowl of shredded blue boxes, a tall cool glass of warm two-year-old soda and enjoy!!

Direct download: Amherst_Train_Show_is_a_Go_.mp3
Category:Model Railroad, Model Railway Transport -- posted at: 2:30am EST